Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Preparing for the BMAT (biomedical admissions test) Essay Example for Free
Preparing for the BMAT (biomedical admissions test) Essay The biomedical admissions test was created to assist medical and veterinary schools in the admissions process. Some of the universities have much more applications than places and the majority of these applications are strong. The BMAT allows the universities to filter out the strongest candidates based on exam performance. The BMAT exam lasts for 2 hours and is split into 3 sections. The examination test date is 31st October 2008. This article will aim to provide you with some advice and give an overview to students who are planning on taking the BMAT exam. †¢ aptitude and skills (1 hour) †¢ scientific knowledge and application (30 minutes) †¢ writing task (30 minutes) The universities which currently require you to take the BMAT are: †¢ The university of Cambridge †¢ The university of Oxford †¢ Imperial college London †¢ The royal veterinary college †¢ University of central London Aptitude and Skills This section aims to explore your problem solving skills, your ability to understand and interpret data and your analytical skills. It is multiple choice for the most. This is the main reason as to why you should guess intelligently, take a look at the given data and take a guess. Practice is key in this section. For the problem solving element of this section look at all the given data carefully. Here are some techniques to help you. †¢ Divide and conquer technique: Break down any large chunks of data into smaller chunks, making the smaller problems which are easier to solve and then once you have solved them put the data back together and form an answer. †¢ Trial and error: Use different approaches to come to a final conclusion and answer. †¢ Working backwards: start with one of the possible answers and work backwards from it. †¢ Incubation: This is a last resort method which seldom works. Put all of the starting details relating to a problem in your mind picture them and then stop focusing on them and carry on with the examination (take an intelligent guess). Your subconscious mind may come up with an answer during the rest of the examination The understanding and interpreting subset involves using the information in front of you, do not make assumptions unless it is appropriate to the question. Analyse all data given carefully not leaving anything out. The data analysis subset involves extracting certain points out of the data and using these to make suitable conclusions, to give the answer. Depending on the starting data you are provided with this could include using statistical methods, interpreting graphs, curve fitting or even eradicating unwanted information and prioritising said data. Scientific knowledge and application This section attempts to make students utilise their scientific knowledge to help them answer questions. Again this section is multiple choice, so make informed guesses when there is a need using the data given. This section also requires practice and revision of scientific principles in order to score high marks, so we advise you do some revision covering the basics of biology, chemistry and physics. Writing task The writing task is asking you to create an essay from a given question. Here are some general pointers to help you achieve a great score. †¢ Read: Read articles, newspapers, journals and book. This will help you to gain an understanding of how to put forward logical thought and will also help improve your English writing skills †¢ Partake in group discussions/debate forums: By doing this you will develop the skills that allow you to analyse certain situations and statements, in addition to developing the ability to generate a fair argument looking at both sides of the situation and can help you produce good conclusion. †¢ Good structure: Ensure you have an introduction, Main body and conclusion. By having an assigned essay structure your ideas will flow more freely and will follow a logical order that makes it easier for the reader to understand. †¢ Snappy conclusion and introduction: the introduction and conclusion can be the sections of your essay that sell it to the reader. Because these are the first and last things they read and so will remain in their mind the longest. An extremely good conclusion will stick in the readers head and maybe it might help you to boost your mark. Conclusion One key aspect for revision regarding the UKCAT is to sit some mock BMAT examinations; this will allow you to get a feel for the allocated time slot for the exam and thus ensure that you can finish all the questions. Some final general pointers I would like to add are 1. Don’t waste too much time on one question. 2. Generate a short plan for your writing task, just pointing out what you are going to cover and in what order. 3. Make sure you get plenty of rest before the exam. 4. If you have time available at the end of the exam use it to check over your answers.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Emily Dickinson and Her Poetry Essays -- Dickinson Poet Poetry Essays
Emily Dickinson was ahead of her time in the way she wrote her poems. The poems she wrote had much more intelligence and background that the common person could comprehend and understand. People of all ages and critics loved her writings and their meanings, but disliked her original, bold style. Many critics restyled her poetry to their liking and are often so popular are put in books alongside Dickinson’s original poetry (Tate 1). She mainly wrote on nature. She also wrote about domestic activity, industry and warfare, economy and law. â€Å"Her scenes sometime create natural or social scenes but are more likely to create psychological landscapes, generalized scenes, or allegorical scenes.†She uses real places and actions to convey a certain idea or emotion in her poem. She blends allegory and symbolism, which is the reason for the complication in her poems because allegory and symbolism contradict each other (Diehl 18, 19). Dickinson did not name most of her poems. She named twenty-four of her poems, of which twenty-one of the poems were sent to friends. She set off other people’s poetry titles with quotation marks, but only capitalized the first word in her titles. Many critics believe she did not title most of her poetry because she was not planning on publishing her work. As Socrates said, â€Å"the knowledge of things is not devised from names†¦ no man would like to put himself or the education of his mind in the power of names†(Watts 130). Dickinson said that the speaker in all...
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Alice Walker Uses Symbolism to Address Three Issues Essay
Born on February 9, 1944 in Eatonton, Georgia, Alice Malsenior Walker was the eighth and youngest child of poor sharecroppers. Her father’s great-great-great grandmother, Mary Poole was a slave, forced to walk from Virginia to Georgia with a baby in each arm. Walker is deeply proud of her cultural heritage. In addition to her literary talents Walker was involved in the civil rights movement in the 1960’s, walking door-to-door promoting voter’s registration among the rural poor. Walker was present to see Martin Luther King’s â€Å"I have a dream†speech. â€Å"In August 1963 Alice traveled to Washington D. C. to take part in the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Perched in a tree limb to try to get a view, Alice couldn’t see much of the main podium, but was able to hear Dr. King’s â€Å"I Have A Dream†address. †(Alice Walker Biography) Walker is a vegetarian involved in many other issues, including nuclear proliferation, and the environment. Her insight to African American culture comes from her travel and experiences in both America and Africa. Walker is an activist regarding oppression and power, championing victims of racism and sexism. After her precedent setting, and controversial thirteen-year marriage to a white, Jewish, civil rights lawyer, Alice fell in love with Robert Allen, editor of â€Å"Black Scholar. †â€Å"She is currently living in Mendocino, California and is exploring her bi-sexuality. †Alice Walker’s first novel, â€Å"The Third Life of Grange Copeland†was published the week her daughter was born. Walker received praise for this work, but also criticism for dealing too harshly with the male characters in the book. Walker’s best-known novel, â€Å"The Color Purple†won the Pulitzer Prize in 1982, and was made into a movie. Walker was the first black author honored by a Pulitzer. In Celie’s letters to God, she tells her story about her role as wife, mother, daughter, and sister, and other women who help shape her life. Walker portrays Africa in a positive way, and looks to it as a form of artistic and ideological expression. Walker was also criticized for her portrayal of men, often as violent rapists and wife beaters. Even as she portrays men, often in a bad light, she likes to focus on the strength of women. In her story, â€Å"Everyday Use†Alice Walker uses symbolism to address three main issues: racism, feminism and the black American’s search for cultural identity. The story â€Å"Everyday Use†is set in the late ’60s or early ’70s and the setting is an impoverished home in Georgia. The critical analysis of â€Å"Everyday Use†from the web site Sistahspace presented the following interpretation: This was a time, when African-Americans were struggling to define their personal identities in cultural terms. The term â€Å"Negro†had been recently removed from the vocabulary, and had been replaced with â€Å"Black. †There was â€Å"Black Power,†â€Å"Black Nationalism,†and â€Å"Black Pride. †Many blacks wanted to rediscover their African roots, and were ready to reject and deny their American heritage, which was filled with stories of pain and injustice. â€Å"Alice Walker is, as David Cowart argues, â€Å"[satirizing] the heady rhetoric of late ’60s black consciousness, deconstructing its pieties (especially the rediscovery of Africa) and asserting neglected values†(Cowart, 182). â€Å"The central theme of the story concerns the way in which an individual understands his present life in relation to the traditions of his people and culture. †(Sistahspace) â€Å"Everyday Use†depicts a poor, illiterate black mother who rejects the shallow Black Power ideals of her older, outspoken daughter, Dee, in favor of the practical values of her younger, less privileged daughter, Maggie. Mama is the orator, and like griots from tribes in Africa, she perpetuates the oral traditions and history of the family. Mama’s upbeat self-image in spite of little formal education, leads the reader to feel the intense pride she has in maintaining self-sufficiency. As discussed in David White’s critical analysis of (â€Å"‘Everyday Use†: Defining African-American Heritage), Mama’s lack of formal education does not prevent her from formulating a sense of heritage unattached to the â€Å"Black Power†movement held by her, purportedly educated, daughter Dee. Mama’s daughter, Dee (Wangero), has a much more superficial idea of heritage. She is portrayed as bright, beautiful, and self-centered. Maggie is the younger daughter, who lives with Mama. She is scared and ashamed, lying back in corners, cowering away from people. (White, David) (â€Å"‘Everyday Use’: Defining African-American Heritage. â€Å") Maggie understands her heritage, and appreciates the significance of everyday things in the house. She is uneducated, and not in the least outspoken, and is unable to make eye contact. Maggie has stooped posture and walks with a shuffle, this, combined with her inability to look you in the eye, points to her vulnerability in dealing with newfound black rights. Mama’s daughter Dee, who is portrayed as quite successful, has come home to visit and display her new African style heritage. Dee has adopted things African and has changed her name to Wangero. As she handles the everyday articles fashioned and used by previous generations, she believes they should be displayed to her white girlfriends, especially the old quilts made by Mama, her sister and her mother. Mama has promised the quilts to Maggie but Dee says, â€Å"Maggie does not understand their value and would just put them to everyday use. †(Walker, â€Å"Everyday Use†) Mama must decide which daughter should receive the family quilts. Finally, Mama realizes that her daughter, Maggie, has a closer connection with her view of family history than Dee does and gives her the quilts. This is the first time Mama has asserted any authority over Dee. On a deeper level, Alice Walker is exploring the concepts of racism and the evolution of Black Society following the end of slavery, through the era of Martin Luther King, and finally to the Black Power movement in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. Maggie, Mama, Dee/Wangaro and Hakim-a Barber, symbolize this. Mama is illiterate, because her school closed when she was in the second grade. The role of black Americans in the late 1920s is best illustrated by Mama’s line, â€Å"School was closed down. Don’t ask me why: in 1927 colored asked fewer questions that they do now†¦ †(Walker, â€Å"Everyday Use†) When Mama describes the old house, burning down it symbolizes the ending of slavery and the decreed civil rights. The scars that Mamma’s daughter Maggie, bear are representative of the pain of the past and difficulty in moving from the role of subservience to equality. Maggie has difficulty looking â€Å"you†in the eye just as the American Negro had difficulty moving from the subservient role to peer in dealings with whites. Maggie’s head down on the chest at first appears as an as shame for her scars from the house fire, but they come to symbolize a person caught in the old black paradigm, unable to embrace newfound freedoms in society. The fire of slavery has damaged Maggie and she resigns herself to a transitional cultural existence, neither old nor new. Mama represents the ideals of Martin Luther King through her dream of going on the Johnny Carson show to meet Dee. She embraces the idea of this fantasy and takes pleasure in replaying it in her mind. Ultimately, Mamma is thrust back to the reality that it will never happen, just as she seems to resign herself to the fact that King’s dreams are not real for her generation but for the next.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Sick Leave Case Study Essay - 1107 Words
This paper will describe the problem that Kelly experienced with her new job with the sick leave policy. We will discuss if Kelly should call CLAIR, or discuss this further with Mr. Higashi? What is this main dispute about for Kelly? For Mr. Higashi? In these types of conflicts is a compromise possible? What are the tangible factors in this situation? What are the intangible factors in the negotiation Is saving face more important to Kelly or Mr. Higashi? Why? Which are more important, the tangible or intangible factors? Is this true for both Kelly and Mr. Higashi? Managing Benefits in a Global Company Over the last decades social protection programs have been developed to mitigate damaging impacts from economic crises and†¦show more content†¦Higashi that she would not be able to work the present day and may miss a second day. He told that she would have to get a physician’s note when she returned to work. Kelly not feeling well was annoyed with this request but did go to the clinic. Upon her return she did provide the documentation to her supervisor. Later she learned that two of her colleagues also from the same JET exchange program also called in sick. So from the manager’s perspective this seemed suspicious and many employees’ thought they wanted an extra-long weekend and planned this all along. Although when sickness happens it becomes widespread in the work place. Japan’s Sick Leave Expectations vs. other countries At the global level, as many as 145 countries18 provide for paid sick leave. Usually, provisions include both time for leave and wage replacement during sickness. However, the benefit schedules for paid sick leave differ widely among countries. Globally, the replacement rates vary between lump sums and up to 100 percent of wages (Table 1): †¢ About 20 percent of the countries have set the minimum replacement rate at 100 percent of wages †¢ 14 percent of countries replace wages during sickness absence between 75 and 100 percent. †¢ The majority of more than 50 percent of countries provide for replacement rates that vary between 50 and 75 percent of wage. †¢ The remaining countries provide for lumpShow MoreRelatedBenefits And Benefits Of Employee Benefits1195 Words  | 5 Pagesassisting with employee benefits, maintaining employee data base, managing all insurance billings and maintain employee files, sick pay, vacation and retirement. This study explores the importance of employee benefits to corporations, government agencies and non profit organizations. This paper also researches the effects on the management team and on individual employees’. 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