Wednesday, November 27, 2019
History of Attachment Theory free essay sample
Abstract How relationships are developed and the people that they are developed with as a child, is critical to the development of behaviors and relationships in adulthood. The theory of attachment in based solely around this very principle. The patterns a child displays towards primary caregivers and how those caregivers respond to the needs of that child will predict how that child will respond to relationship and change as an adult. Attachment Theory The forces that drive relationships between individuals and the affects those forces have on them, define the theory of attachment. It is said to have become the dominant approach in understanding interpersonal relationships (Bretherton, 1992). The relationships developed from the time of infancy are critical to the development of relationships throughout that childs life. Within attachment theory, attachment defines an affectionate connection between two individuals. Such relationships may also be mutual between two adults, but when applied to the relationship between a child and a caregiver, these bonds are based on that childs need for safety, security and protection; qualities that are fundamental in infancy nd childhood. We will write a custom essay sample on History of Attachment Theory or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page There are different classifications for how children, as well as adults, attach to other individuals. These attachment classifications can forecast how well or how poor the infant will engage in relationships in their adult life. Although there are a number of psychologists whose work was centered on attachment theory, the research that has been done so far to support it can mostly be credited to the work of John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth. While their work was done decades ago, it is still prominent, and relative to the views of modern psychology. What is Attachment Theory? Infants become connected to adults who are caring and respond to their needs when socially interacting with them, and who remain consistent as caregivers between the ages of about six months to two years. At the stage in an infants life when they begin to crawl and walk, they start using familiar people, also known as attachment tgures, as a dependable basis to center their lives around. The response they receive from those attachment fgures leads to the development of attachment patterns and internal works that guide their perceptions, emotions, thoughts, and expectations in later relationships (Stern, 1985). Even though the origins of attachment theory are based on the effects the caregiver has on the infant, the child also, in turn, affects the caregiver. This process is referred to as mutual regulation (Tronick, 1989). In order for the caregiver to give the child a sense of security, they must be able to adapt to the behaviors of the child. The caregivers sensitivity and responsiveness is a crucial contribution to the ability for that child to regulate their emotions and develop an attachment (Stern, 1985). The Work of John Bowlby Attachment theory in psychology originates with the influential work of John Bowlby, who is known as the father of attachment theory. In the early 1900s, Bowlby worked as a psychiatrist in a Child Guidance Clinic in London, where he treated many emotionally disturbed children (McLeod, 2009). He believed that early experiences in childhood greatly affect the on ones behavior and development throughout life. Being that he suffered from the effects of separation and lacking a consistent caregiver, he took his work with attachment theory very personal and could relate to the children he dealt with. John Bowlby believed that there were four different points hat contributed to attachment: proximity maintenance, safe haven, secure base, and separation distress (Cherry, 2002). Proximity maintenance is a childs need to be around the people that they have grown attached to. When a child seeks their caregiver for comfort when faced with fear or when they feel threatened, that person is considered a safe haven. The childs caregiver is considered a secure base when they are the center of security and the child feels safe enough to explore the surrounding environment. If the child becomes uneasy about being away from their caregiver, they are displaying separation distress. John Bowlby had a huge contribution to the theory of attachment; however, he was Just one of the many important psychologists who studied this area. Mary Ainsworths Strange Situation In the 1970s, psychologist Mary Ainsworth expanded on Bowlbys groundbreaking work in her renowned Strange Situation experiment. This study involved observing toddlers between the ages of 12 and 18 months and their responses to being briefly separated from their mothers. The Strange Situation was formatted into several parts that extended over the course of 20 minutes. First the mother and child enter into layroom with toys that would interest toddler of that age, where they are then joined by an unfamiliar woman. While the stranger is playing with the toddler, the mother leaves but returns after a brief amount of time away from the room. Then, both the mother and the strange woman leave, and the toddler is left completely alone. Finally, the stranger returns to the room with the mother following shortly after (Bretherton, 1992). Ainsworth became fascinated with the unexpected responses of the children upon being separated and then reunited with their mothers. A few of the children were angry with their mothers upon their return to he room; they cried and reached out for their mothers when they were reunited with them but were not easily consoled. Instead, they showed their ambivalence by fighting with the mother. Some of the children, although they periodically looked for their mothers, seemed unmoved by the mothers return and even avoided her. Atter gathering more information on the toddlers who were ambivalent or avoidant towards their mothers when they returned, it was discovered that those childrens home lives were not as pleasant as the children who sought close interaction when their mothers returned (Bretherton, 1992). These observations were the basis for Ainsworths three major styles of attachment. Secure attachment described the children who were slightly unsettled by their mother leaving but were able to be calmed down, somewhat played while the mother was away but relieved when she returned. These children are predicted to develop healthy relationships throughout their lives. Anxious/ambivalent attachment describes the children who were upset that their mother left, not really explorative, could not be consoled by the stranger, wanted contact with their mother when she returned, but were still not easily settled y her. These children are said to be insecure an inconsistent as adults. Avoidant children are ones who are emotionally distant and were not really moved by their mothers leaving or returning to the room. They tend to be Just as emotionally detached as adults. Disorganized Attachment A fourth category was established when a considerable amount of children defied the classifications set by Mary Ainsworth following her Strange Situation experiment (Main Solomon, 1990). When a child has a disorganized attachment, they have an unclear attachment behavior. Their responses are mixed; sometimes avoidant and ometimes even resistant. They are described as being in a daze and some where even apprehensive in the presence of their mother. Main and Solomon (1986) proposed that this behavior was due to inconsistent behavior from the parents. Later research suggests that parents who impart both fear and comfort in their children cause a disorganized attachment style (Main and Hesse, 1990). The child becomes confused because they feel frightened but also reassured. Adults who developed a disorganized attachment as children, are usually more unpredictable, intrusive, and either easily frightened or frightening. Attachment in Adults In the 1980s, more interest in adult attachment began to evolve. One of the reasons this occurred was because labs were conducting longitudinal studies on effects of attachment (Sonkin, 2005). The children from the Strange Situation study had grown up and researchers began to observe the continuity of their attachment patterns. Although the behaviors of infant and adult attachment are similar, the terms to define adult attachment are different. Children who are securely attached are referred to as autonomous adults; ambivalent children are called preoccupied dults; avoidant children are known as dismissing adults; and disorganized children are classified as unresolved adults (Sonkin, 2005). Upon doing research on attachment in adults, three major points were developed. First is that the attachment behaviors of a child can be predicted by the attachment behaviors displayed in the parent. Second, the attachment behaviors a child has will continue throughout adolescence and into adulthood. Although maturity and experiences can cause a change in attachment classification in either direction, it is not commonly seen. Lastly, insecurely attached adults have a harder time adjusting to change than adults who are securely attached (Sonkin, 2005). The two most commonly used methods for assessing attachment in adults are interviews and self-report scales. Mary Main developed Adult Attachment Interview ( l) which is the interview most commonly used. It is comprised of 20 questions that ask about an individuals positive and negative experiences with their parents as a child and also with their own children. Main believed the emotions generated when a person is telling their tory determines how they tell it (Sonkin, 2005). Securely attached adults stories tend to be easier to follow. Dismissive adults had short stories and could not remember many childhood memories experiences; they either denied the negative experiences or Justified that they made them a stronger, more independent person. Preoccupied adults were more long-winded and dwelled on their negative perception of childhood memories; their stories are complicated and harder for the reader to follow. Disorganized adults had gaps when describing negative experiences during their childhood (Sonkin, 2005). dult. The research that has been done on this theory helps to understand the dynamics of how important these relationships are.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Free Essays on A Seperate Peace- Genes Growing Discontent With Finny
Genes Growing Discontent with Finny Gene comes to the Devon School 15 years after he attended it and tells us the story when he was sixteen. In chapters 1-3 of John Knowles’ A Separate Peace, the characters Gene and Finny appear to be the best of friends. However, the names that Gene calls Finny, Gene’s resentment at feeling forced to engage in activities of Finny’s devising, and Genes responses when he thinks Finny is getting in trouble reveal his growing discontent. The names that Gene calls Finny reveal his growing discontent with their relationship. As a response to Finny when they were talking about the jumping of the tree, Gene calls Finny â€Å"goofy.†(10) Gene retaliates against Finny because he was trying to shame him. Finny decides to wear a pink shirt as a symbol of him supporting an allied bombing in Europe, Gene see’s this and calls him a â€Å"fairy.†(17) Gene does not like Finny’s shirt because it is out of the ordinary so he says it makes him look like a fairy. While playing a game called blitzball Gene seriously states â€Å"are you crazy†(30) when Finny tells him to knock down the person he passed the ball to. This shows that Gene is basically calling Finny stupid by calling him crazy. All of the names that Gene calls Finny show the growing discontent that Gene has with Finny in their relationship. Gene’s resentment at feeling forced to engage in activities of Finny’s devising shows his growing discontent with their relationship. One activity Gene resents is being forced to jump off the tree. Finny gets Gene to get on the tree and tells him to jump, Gene being afraid of jumping off thinks â€Å"Why did I let Finny talk me into stupid things like this?†(9) Gene thinking about his discontent toward Finny implies that he was talked into or forced into jumping off the tree. Finny saves Genes life when Gene turns to look at Finny on the tree and loses his balance, he was about to fall when Finny put ... Free Essays on A Seperate Peace- Genes Growing Discontent With Finny Free Essays on A Seperate Peace- Genes Growing Discontent With Finny Genes Growing Discontent with Finny Gene comes to the Devon School 15 years after he attended it and tells us the story when he was sixteen. In chapters 1-3 of John Knowles’ A Separate Peace, the characters Gene and Finny appear to be the best of friends. However, the names that Gene calls Finny, Gene’s resentment at feeling forced to engage in activities of Finny’s devising, and Genes responses when he thinks Finny is getting in trouble reveal his growing discontent. The names that Gene calls Finny reveal his growing discontent with their relationship. As a response to Finny when they were talking about the jumping of the tree, Gene calls Finny â€Å"goofy.†(10) Gene retaliates against Finny because he was trying to shame him. Finny decides to wear a pink shirt as a symbol of him supporting an allied bombing in Europe, Gene see’s this and calls him a â€Å"fairy.†(17) Gene does not like Finny’s shirt because it is out of the ordinary so he says it makes him look like a fairy. While playing a game called blitzball Gene seriously states â€Å"are you crazy†(30) when Finny tells him to knock down the person he passed the ball to. This shows that Gene is basically calling Finny stupid by calling him crazy. All of the names that Gene calls Finny show the growing discontent that Gene has with Finny in their relationship. Gene’s resentment at feeling forced to engage in activities of Finny’s devising shows his growing discontent with their relationship. One activity Gene resents is being forced to jump off the tree. Finny gets Gene to get on the tree and tells him to jump, Gene being afraid of jumping off thinks â€Å"Why did I let Finny talk me into stupid things like this?†(9) Gene thinking about his discontent toward Finny implies that he was talked into or forced into jumping off the tree. Finny saves Genes life when Gene turns to look at Finny on the tree and loses his balance, he was about to fall when Finny put ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Mystery Story Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Mystery Story - Essay Example "Mother, this house has a market value of $80,000. Chad is offering you over 12 times that much. You can easily find a better place to live with less upkeep and a dishwasher." Bud had sat silent for most of the evening since Chad had arrived. Chad had come to talk, but Bud needed to be heard. "Mother this is a chance of a lifetime. Mr. Lewis says that they are ready to cancel the project if you don't move soon You will be left to battle with the neighbors that are angry at you for holding out." Bud Everly apologized to Chad Lewis and broke out the bottle of Cognac that Chad had offered as a gift upon his arrival earlier. Chad Lewis spoke first, "I thought you said you could convince your mother to sell. Bud, you're letting me down and you're letting yourself down. We had an arrangement and your mother can't get in the way of that." As the sun came up the next morning the weather was as crisp as apple cider and hot as a Roman spa. Detective Sonny Broshears had gotten the call shortly after 10 AM. The dispatcher had simply said that old lady Everly had died. Fell down the stairs. The TV repairman found her when he arrived to fix the satellite system. Paramedics were already on the scene. Though he was vaguely familiar with the isolated house on the outskirts of town, he had never met the widow. Sonny brushed the bagel crumbs from his jacket as he drove down the long lane. He mentally noted that the house was tidy and compact with a well-manicured lawn as green as the love of money. The summer heat had erased all traces of last night's storm and as he meandered the gravel drive Sonny pulled in behind the ambulance and walked toward the house. A paramedic was waiting in the yard and Sonny asked, without introduction, "Has another officer been on the scene" "No, the Examiner is on his way but your the first cop to show," the EMT droned. Sonny studied the drive and thought out loud, "The whole area is wet. What was she doing Watering the lawn" The paramedic offered, "No, they've probably got sprinklers. Probably automatic. They were off when we got here at about 10 O'clock." "Well, who was parked in that spot there that's still dry It's about the size of a police cruiser. Are you sure nobody has left" Sonny asked. "You're it, the one and only." The paramedic seemed disinterested and Sonny went inside. He met a second emergency worker at the top of the stairs. The paramedic informed Sonny that the body was still at the bottom of the stairs and it looked like she had taken a pretty nasty tumble. She was dead before they had even arrived. Sonny glanced at the morning paper, still unread, lying on the kitchen counter. "I'm Detective Broshears, in charge of the investigation. Why don't you guys just go outside and wait for the Examiner. In the meantime, don't touch anything." The widow Everly's crumpled body lay in an unnatural heap at the foot of the stairs. Sonny studied the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Legals Forms of Business Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Legals Forms of Business - Term Paper Example In addition, it is less costly and easier to establish a sole proprietorship than any other form of business as it requires a few legal formalities. This form of business is a good undertaking as it allows flexibility than a corporation and partnership. The sole proprietor has discretion to make an instant decision. For example, he can make decisions on when to take a vacation, whom to hire and the business worth pursuing. The sole proprietor can also transfer or sell some portion of the business to another person without seeking approval from any other person. A sole proprietor is allowed to establish a retirement account that is exempted from tax only when funds are not withdrawn. Lastly, a sole proprietor only pays personal income taxes from the profit gained (Miller & Cross, 2013). Partnership Partnerships are businesses established by two or more than two persons with an aim of making profits. Partnerships are established through agreements among the partners, which can be impli ed or expressed. The partners become the co-owners of the business and they jointly operate and share profit equally. Partnerships are regulated by the statutory laws and the Common laws. Partnerships are preferred because of several reasons. ... The partner, who performs additional administrative duties such as managing personnel or the office, receives a salary in additional to the share of the profit he gets. The partners have full access to information that concerns the carrying out of all aspects of a partnership business. The partners are free to inspect all the records and books of account on demand and get copies of the materials. Members of a partnership can determine the value each owns in a partnership. This can be done by carrying out of accounting either through a court order or voluntarily. Lastly, in a partnership, a partner may possess partnership property on behalf of the entire partnership but has no right to mortgage, sell or transfer partnership property to another person (Miller & Cross, 2013). Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) This is a form of business designed for largely for professionals such as accountants and attorneys who are involved in business as partners in a partnership. This form of busine ss is advocated for because of various advantages. To begin with, it limits partners' personal liability as it allows the partnership to continue existing as a pass-through entity for taxes related issues. This form of partnership facilitates the conversion of traditional partnership into a LLP because it shares similar basic organizational structure with the traditional partnership. The LLP protects professionals from personal liability emerging from the malpractices done by associated partners such as negligence, wrongful acts or misconduct (Miller & Cross, 2013). Limited Liability Company (LLC) A limited Liability company (LLC) is a form of business that allows partnership-style of taxation and gives its owners limited
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Goods vs Service Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Goods vs Service - Essay Example ned that technology is altering the manner in which some of the giant companies perform their businesses, fostering new strategies and thereby revolutionizing the research-and-development process (Brynjolfsson & Schrage, 2009). It is worthy of stating that digitalization as well as networking are the two main components of the modern day society. Through digitalization the different mediums are combined based on the technology which enables a huge amount of data to be transmitted and processed. With the help of networking, virtual communities are being formed over the networks, focused around the internet. With the greater advancement of the technology there has been transformation in the structure and processes of the business world. With the help of intranets and e-mails the processes are being enhanced. It can be stated that the conventional way of shopping is being replaced by the contemporary ways where the consumers are capable of making order over the internet sitting at their homes. The payments can be made with the help of the credit cards and therefore the requirement to visit the store by the buyer is eliminated to a great extent. Prior to purchasing the product, the customer is capable of havin g access to the bulletin board with the assistance of the personal computers for the purpose of viewing the product review and can as well contribute in forums in order to gain the required information from the actual users of the product (Kato, 2007). The technology can also be used by the organization to customize the product and customers services. For instance, it is through information technology that a firm may shift from ‘delivery from stock’ to ‘making an order’ or may shift from ‘selling function’ to ‘renting function’ (Ives & Mason, 1990). Therefore, it can be mentioned that the technology is altering the characteristic of the services and the manner in which the firms tends to interact with the customers. The advancement in the
Friday, November 15, 2019
Medical ward objectives and staffing levels
Medical ward objectives and staffing levels This is a 34 bedded medical ward admitting male patients with different conditions.The specialties are as follows: Specialties Consultant Beds Gastro-Enterology Dr. Salim AL.Harthi 6 Neurology Dr. Jaber AL.Khaburi 5 Respiratory Dr. Nasser AL.Busaidi 5 Cardiology Dr. Abdullah AL.Riyami 4 Endocrinology Dr. Noor Al.Busaidi 4 Infectious Disease Dr. Saif AL.Abri 4 Rheumatology Dr. Ramnath Misra 4 Hematology Dr.Muhana AL.Maslahi 2 Ward Objectives:- To plan, organize, implement and evaluate the nursing services to ensure that a high standard patient care is delivered within the ward. To maintain optimum professional code of conduct, practice and good staff morale of professional nurse. To maintain effective communication with patient and their relatives concerning the nature and management of clinical conditions and their outcomes. To ensure all staff have been updating their knowledge by conducting some lectures within the ward level and training programs within CPE department. To facilitate the integration of newly qualified Omani nurse into their roles and responsibilities in the tertiary medical services consistent with the national policy on Omanization and fully aware administrative roles and regulation pertaining their employment. To conduct regular staff performance appraisals to assess competency, progress, strengths, weaknesses and identify further education and training needs. To schedule and deploy sufficient numbers of staff to provide 24hrs nursing care to ensure safe clinical practice. To ensure optimum utilization of the hospital resources towards the appropriate provision of nursing services throughout the ward. Staffing Levels:- Staff levels Omani Staff Expatriates Staff Senior Junior Senior Ward Nurse 1 Staff Nurse 1 13 3 Ward Coordinator Nil Medical Orderlies 1 3 Total staff 27staff (-1staff in Female Medical 1, plan for transfer. Ward Activities:- Termination, Omanization, Transferring, Resignation and New staff:- Sr. No Ward Activities No. Of Staff Nurse Remarks 1 Termination Nil Nil 2 Omanization 2 S/N Seena affected date 01/08/2009 S/N Smitha affected date 06/09/2009 3 Transferring 3+ 1 Temporary 1 S/N Wafa Harib affect date 02/05/09 to Royal Hospital OPD S/N Suganthi affect date 02/05/09 to MM1 S/N Enci affected date 06/06/09 to FM2 + S/N Faiza affected date 01/11/09 to FM1 (Temporary) M/O Said affected date 02/05/2009 to Royal Hospital X-Ray Department 4 Resignation 1 S/N Ajitha Affected date 06/12/2009 5 New Staff 2 S/N + 1 M/O S/N Idris Al-Farsi S/N Sangoor Al-Yusufi + M/O Turki Barghash New Equipment:- 1. Glide sheet for patient turning 6/7/09 2. Our old cardiac monitor has been replaced. Activities in Male Medical Two Within Each Month:- Male Medical Two is kept for conducting the MRCP exams four times per year which always take one week; each time of these exams went so smoothly and will give as chance for tarrow clean the ward. The ward is the Disaster ward in the medical unit, all staff in the ward have good knowledge of the step how to followed in any emergency situation (of each month 1st week there is discussion Disaster matter to upgrade staff knowledge) On 13/11/2009 there was a disaster drill which has prove to us that the objective of disaster action cards are met throughout the feedback we received verbally from Nursing Administration. 2nd Week in each month kept for upgrade staff knowledge about Professional Code of Conduct by given lecture with scenarios in one of the element. 3rd Week in each month kept for upgrade staff knowledge about Medication action side effect, by lecture given by assigned staff 10-15 minutes prior to hand over of morning shift. 4th Week in each month kept for upgrade staff knowledge about Firewast management by lecture given by assigned staff 10-15 minutes prior to hand over of morning shift. Ongoing monitoring is being done on:- Nursing Records Auditing which we are doing since July 2001. Daily patient Fall Assessment Score. Wound care assessment. Daily followed screening for any infection (MRSAMDRAB) Daily followed Nursing process which started on 2nd September 2002. Discharge planning started on October 2002 Monthly Environmental Audit. Six Month report. Education, Training and Quality Management for 2009 SR Courses 2009 No of S/N completed Remark 1 Ward Management 1 3 2 High Dependency 3 3 3 Pain Management 4 22 4 ECG interpretation 1 11 5 Preceptor ship 3 23 Upgrade their knowledge by refreshment preceptor workshop. 6 IV Therapy Drug Calculation 28(All staff) 7 IV Cannulation 7 We are following up with other 8 staff practice cannulation till they are competent. 8 Wound stoma care 3 4 They are helping to teach other staff in the ward level and follow up the care about wounds. 9 Post Kidney Transplant 1 1 10 Recertification BCLS 28(All staff) Every 2 years 11 Manual Handling 23 Other 5staff who are joining MM2 in last 3years they are learn more about it from senior staff during work. 12 Physical Assessment 3 6 Recertification of BCLS and management of Cardiac Arrest:- All of nurses certified more than 2 years ago have been recertified. Nurses within the ward has been assessed for their competency in management of cardiac arrest at the ward level in recognizing cardiopulmonary arrest, move rapidly towards Life saving. The plan for ward basic CPR within Ward level, which aim to check the staff competency with it. Strategic Plan for next year:- To continue the ward activities, upgrade the standard of care and services to the patient. To plan, organize, implement and evaluate the nursing services to ensure that a high quality patient care is delivered within the ward level. To maintain optimum Professional Code of conduct, practice and good staff morale of professional nurse. To ensure all staff has been updating their knowledge by conducting different courses in CPE and some lectures within the ward level regarding cases, medication and infection control. To finalize Endoscopy Procedure Brochure this is made by staff in Male Medical Two. To continue give first priority for CPE program courses to Omani staff to improve their competencies and skills. Plan to give 3 lecture within medical unit by our staff regarding (fall prevention, CVP care and medication calculation during emergence). Done by :- Saif AL.Ghuzaili
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
C.Ronaldo and Messi
World best soccer players C. Ronaldo and Messi Have you ever watched a game of C. Ronaldo and Messi? Their performances are so outstanding that most of soccer fans would think 21th century is the era of C. Ronaldo and Messi. However, there are big differences between C. Ronaldo and Messi. Firstly, their physical conditions are quite different. C. Ronaldo looks like a movie star. He is very tall and has a firm body like a horse. His inverted triangle line seduces a lot of girls and every man envies his body shape.Tight muscles cover all of his body so that we can feel his power even when he is just standing. In contrast, Messi looks like a dwarf. When he was eleven, he was diagnosed with a growth hormone deficiency. So when he stood next to Ronaldo in order to get a prize, he looked humble. And his body is plain and looks like ordinary people. In accordance with the differences in physical condition, their play styles are also different. Ronaldo usually tries to break through defense line with his speed and power coming from his outstanding physical condition.When he is on the dead run, only a few world class defenders can catch up with him. And most of defenders are knocked out by Ronaldo’s wild and strong movement. Furthermore, his shooting is so powerful that he sometimes makes a goal in an incredibly long distance. Messi’s play is very exquisite. Messi developed his own skills to overcome his physical disadvantages. His foot skills are very simple, but no one can stop him because his dribble is so delicate that the ball seems attached to his foot.So whenever defenders tackle him, he easily avoids them and breaks through the defense line like a squirrel. And he prefers accurate shooting to powerful one.. Both C. Ronaldo and Messi are unprecedented soccer players, but they have two distinguishing points, physical condition and play style. In a manner of speaking, it is meaningless to arrange what’s different between them because it is natu ral that every person in the world has different circumstances and different personality.However people have always been interested in comparing rivals like Superman and Batman, Taegwon V and Mazinga Z. People will always regard Ronaldo and Messi as rivals until they retire. And ‘Who is the greatest soccer player in the world? ’ will be the most interesting question among trillions of soccer fans. People might have different thoughts about who the best soccer player is, but they all would think that it is lucky to watch fantastic plays of Ronaldo and Messi.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Family Business Plan Essay
Besides that, Ming Yi Feeds is operated in the category of control and management of family member. All the important thing and decision is making by themselves but not the outsider. The business is the first generation and established for 8 years. The founder of Ming Yi Feeds Sdn Bhd is not currently planning his retirement and is not deciding to pass the ownership of the company to anyone since he is still young and is able to run the business. The succession factor of the company is the father of the CEO is highly support for the business. And one of the biggest customers of the company is the BM Lean Huat Chan a chicken farming company own by the CEO’s father. The supportive family members of the CEO is participating themselves in the business and the support from their father made the company successful. The business is kept private and confidential to the public as well as their family. The only persons able to access the business information are the CEO and his father. This is because all the business information is crucial to the company like their supplier and customers. The founder does not have any interested to sell their family business, because the owner dreams to remain the business in their family. However, in order to expand their business, shareholder may be required to gain some capital, but the family will still holding the majority share compare to other shareholders. The company is implementing a basic compensation method which is base salary and allowances. However, there is a bonus to every employee every year and the amount is based on the performance in the particular year. Background Information Company address: Plot 31, Jalan Perindustrian Bukit Minyak 9, Taman Perindustrian Bukit Minyak, 14100 Simpang Empat. Telephone No: 04-5078488 Fax No: 04-5086488 Types of Business Entity: Sendirian Berhad Work Force: Presently 20 Staff Member Building Particular: offices 24 X 98 feet Turnover per year: RM 100 million Profit Margin: 0 ~ 1 % Quality Policy Mr. Seah said that they are committed to consistently provide the quality product and services to satisfy or exceed customer’s expectations through continuous process improvement, adequately trained and developed work force and on time delivery. Vision Ming Yi wants to be a competitive manufacturer in agriculture product in Malaysia. Mission Ming Yi Feeds is committed to bringing the best and safe agriculture product to Malaysia agriculture industry through its innovative R&D department, facilities and services offering. Objective Ming Yi Feeds wants to further boost its sale by 10% in the next two years. Organization Chart Role of Family Members Chief Executive Officer – Seah Yeok Chee the CEO is responsible in making decision and ensures the smoothness of the business operation as well as the sale of the company. He is the eldest son in the family. General Manager – Kuo Yee Mei the GM is assisting the CEO in daily operation. She is responsible in maintaining stock level. She is the wife of the CEO Mr. Seah. Financial & Human Resources Manager – Seah Ai Ling the financial and human resources manager is responsible in the financial division in the company as well as recruitment and selection of new employees. She is the sister of the CEO. Operation Manager – Seah Yeok Chew the operation manager is responsible in the feed production process and ensures the quality of the product to meet the standard. He is the younger brother to the CEO. Conflict * Connectivity There is lack of connection between the company and the entire market, because most of materials are come from family member (other business entity in the same family). So, the cost is slightly higher. * Management problem The hierarchy level and the authority are unclear. Which are the difference / gap between first generation (father) and second generation (son). * Concept The company is implementing a conservative approach. The company is not actively sought for new customer and do not take risk in new investment. Solution * The company communicates to the market and gets other suppliers in order to minimize the cost. By this the company found different supplier and compare the price. * The authority among father and son are differentiated clearly. So, the decision made by the son is not affected by the father. In order to achieve the company vision and mission, they do some investment in marketing their product to new customer. Business Activity * Selling feeds * Selling Raw Material to others supplier especially Maize and Soya bean * Others services Raw Material The main raw materials are Maize, Soya bean meal, Corn gluten meal, Broken Rice, Feed Wheat, Salt, Meat and Bone, DCP, Feed Oil / Cooking Oil and Vaccine all the ingredients of grain are l ocally available at low prices but some vitamins other ingredients will need to be imported. Product Manufacturing Process The compound feed preparation process requires 1. High accuracy and precision of weighing 2. Feed ingredient handling and processing 3. Mixing 4. Packing 5. Labeling Process Flow Diagram Compound Feed Process flow of UBM Formula of Feeds R1 – 12 – 10 ( 8107C ) Group| Name| Amount| Big Scale| Corn| 1058| | SBM Hipro| 478| Liquid| Olien / Cooking Oil| 48| Bin| C. G. M | 70| | Feed Wheat| 100| | DDGS ( Low-Pro )| 100| | MBM| 70| Hand-add| D. C. P 18%| 14| | Limestone Powder| 9| | Salt| 0. 50| | Sodium Humate| 10| Premix | Premix Merah| 1 X| | Premix 8107| 1 X| L-Lysine| 9. 84| | DL-Methionine| 6. 58| | Choline Chloride 60%| 2. 40| | Toxisorb| 3. 00| | Natuphos ( 5000G )| 0. 30| | | 1979. 62| Types of Feeds * 8107 Crumbles * 8207 Crumbles * 8207 Pellet * 8307 Pellet * 8107 c is for the chicken ( 1-8 days old ) * 8207c is for the chicken ( 9-14 days old) * 8207p is for the chicken ( 15- 21 days old ) * 8307p is for the chicken ( 22days – selling ) Location Tanker for storage raw material Packaging process Photo of the storage exist Loading process Working condition Weight the feeds and truck before send to the farm
Friday, November 8, 2019
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Hope and Defeat In Shawshank essays
Hope and Defeat In Shawshank essays Life always sends unfortunate situations our way. Much of the time it seems there is no end in sight. It seems like everything is caving in, and the situation is simply hopeless. The Shawshank Redemption (1994) is a testament to the strength of the human spirit. Even when we are bombarded with adversity our spirit is what keeps our head above water. Our will to survive serves as our greatest strength. It gives us hope when all else fails, and gives us the drive to endure even our darkest hour. The film is an exploration into that inner self. In The Shawshank Redemption the character of Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins) is put to the test. Discovering that his wife has been having affair only after she and her secret lover are murdered, Andy is blamed for the murder and wrongfully imprisoned. Andy is sent to Shawshank Prison. Through the symbolism used in the movie and by analyzing selected pieces of dialogue it will be shown that the character of Andy is a representation of our inner being and human spirit. Andy is a metaphor for our spirits perseverance through the dark times in our lives. Finally, it will be shown that a main ideology of the movie is acceptance. When we as people accept our lives and the situations that fall upon us that is when we can overcome to find peace, contentment, and lastly redemption on our own terms. To accomplish all this, the film must be looked at in four stages. Stage one is Andy in denial. It shows that his pain is only magnified by the fact that his mind has not let go of, or accepted the idea that this turn of events has actually befallen him. Stage two is the collapse. In this stage Andys world begins to crumble around him. This stage might also be called no end in sight. Stage three is the beginnings on the road to acceptance. This stage is the bulk of the movie. In this stage Andy must grow, stay strong, and learn to survive in his new situation. Finally, there is stage four. Th...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Piano Sonata in D Major Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Piano Sonata in D Major - Essay Example I have chosen to evaluate the different musical elements embedded in this composition because I have always been an admirer of Mozart. Since this composition is considered one of his best works, I find it very interesting and analyzing it is something that I will enjoy. The sonata was divided into 3 distinct movements. Each movement possessed different elements of music such as rhythm and melody, color and texture, and form and harmony. However, it should be noted that these differences only highlights the musical and aesthetic value of the piece. The first movement allegro, meaning fast, is written in a strict sonata form. The sonata form is founded around 1770 and eventually became popular and widely utilized in musical composition during the turn of the 19th century. The beginning movement is divided into 3 sections: the exposition; the development; and the recap. In the exposition, Mozart introduces the first and secondary theme which is also known as the main melody. Next, the development section in which the material presented in the exposition is expanded. In this section, remote chords are introduced. Finally, the movement ends with the recapitulation. The material used in the exposition was re-stated in the home key of the piece following an ABA form. The fir The first movement also portrays a thick orchestral texture. Mozart used double thirds, remarkable scales and tremolos to create beautiful melodic line which is sometimes located in the left hand. The left hand octaves resemble the effect of woodwinds, violins, and the vigorous bowing of the celli and double-basses resulting to create an orchestral effect. Though having a thick orchestral texture, Mozart was still able to control and maintain the serenity and elegance of the music which best characterized his musical style. The Second Movement The following movement, a Rondeau en Polonaise in Andante (meaning slow in tempo), is an elegant structure whose lively thematic melody is embellished every time it returns. In this movement, Mozart used a Polonaise as another material for his composition in which during his time resembles a stately procession. The Third Movement The concluding movement, Tema con variazioni(Theme and Variations) is regarded as one of the finest compositions of Mozart in this genre. The theme was modified in to twelve remarkable variations. Although Mozart altered the theme, he maintained that the thematic idea would still be present and aurally recognizable. The underlying accompaniment of the left hand followed the traces of harmonic progressions stated in the original theme. The emergence of dissonances in each variation which somehow created a new harmony made it quite different. Each of the twelve variations that he wrote based on the original theme can be considered as a best reference for composers and arrangers. The variations exploit a lot of musical and technical devises such as virtuosic runs, crossing of hands, octave doubling and the use of parallel minor key in variation 7, remarkable alberti base and many more. The aria like penultimate variation is the most interesting among the twelve variat
Friday, November 1, 2019
Cognitive Development In Early Childhood Education Research Paper
Cognitive Development In Early Childhood Education - Research Paper Example This paper declares that cognition of every child tends to be different from another. This means that the level at what one child tends to perceive will be quite different from another child having the same age and circumstances. This merely means that the capability of each individual is different from another. Therefore comparing cognition f one child to another is practically useless as that would only undermine confidence. The only way to overcome this problem is that one needs to critically evaluate the child's way of learning, capabilities and social interaction and then device a way to deal and nurture the cognition in accordance with the child's pace of development. This essay makes a conclusion that cognition is an essential feature of a child's development. It gives a child the capability to understand the world that surrounds him, develop his perception about various things and finally build up his stance on the things. Cognition is a major area of concern which at times is neglected especially when it comes to the lower class as they usually do not spend much time and the required attention on the cognition of their child in the early years which causes them to suffer eventually. Cognitive development in early years of education is also essential because during early childhood a child is developing various concepts which he implements and executes throughout his life if at this point his concepts are clear and has a targeted sort of thinking therefore then many problems can be countered which a child having weak cognition might suffer from.
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