Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Sniffing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Sniffing - Research Paper Example To Orebaugh, et al (2004), Sniffing fall into the category of wiretapping as it is a form of wiretap installed to computer networks as an alternative of phone networks. The device records the content conversation without the other party consent. Many organizations use this device to fix remote sniffing programs on routers and servers, which in turn, assists in traffic flows. In my opinion, it is illegal for organizations to use sniffer to secret monitor employee activities without their approval. Although it may be done to increase productivity, it is paramount for the other party to approve the activities carried out by the organization. My feeling about sniffer use both by insiders of organizations as well as outsiders is that, it should not occur unless a court order has been issued. It should only be carried when there is parties consent. However, when issued by the court it can be done to access employees input to the organization, and this may be helpful in enhancing productivity and company’s growth. If I would craft a law about packet sniffing, it would ensure that it only done to the parties consent. It would include rules and regulation to follow before using it. A court order would be issued before the devices are attached to the phone or any device. In turn, this would protect employees and clients from harassment and protection against theft. Stevens, G. M., Doyle, C., & Library of Congress. (2009).  Privacy: An overview of federal statutes governing wiretapping and electronic eavesdropping. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research

Monday, October 28, 2019

Cultures and Traditions Essay Example for Free

Cultures and Traditions Essay She doesnt seem to be ashamed and there is no emotion in her voice. Is he dead? Of course. They are still trying to make light of a bad situation. Their history has been described because nobody would go up to a person and say I have just killed one of my guests and I would make sense if she told this to someone closer to her. She has a very bold approach, is not afraid to say what she thinks, she doesnt think before she acts. Her devotion is very strong for her son and is a very independent woman and has a sense of discipline. For example, she applied to him the same norms of discipline and She did not want anyone to be able to say she had brought him up badly. Riad suggests that she should start a guest house. He is like her saviour in a way. She seems to be a very forthright person, Girls brought their boyfriends for her approval. She isnt afraid to speak her mind and can be a very blunt person at times. When she says, In one of the back rooms. she shows no fear of being caught, she doesnt even lower her voice. Ines must have had a very strong stomach shown by the description of the murder. For example, his head hanging by a strip of ashen flesh. The conversation between Halabi and Ines shows Ines does not have much respect for the authorities, An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, She seems to think along the terms that someone killed her son and she is going to kill the murderer. Riad always seems to be taking care of the situation, for example, calming the people to prevent them from tearing the perpetrator limb from limb. and I think Ines likes that quality in him. Ines had scrubbed the walls and furniture, It is just like a chore for Ines to do, something to keep her occupied while the body was being taken care of. Ines thought the murder wasnt particularly barbaric compared to the latest cockfights. Near the end you see a more soft side to Ines, you are the person I love you should have been the father of my son. She might think that all of this might not of happened if Riad was the father of her child. The community of Agua Santa seem to be like a cult. Riad had to prevent them tearing the perpetrator limb from limb. This shows they are behind Ines every step of the way, for example, All the inhabitants of Agua Santa had spent the day hauling mangoes, which they throw through the windows until the house was filled floor to ceiling. Ines is a very powerful figure in the town. She was higher than the doctor, the priest and the police. The community looked up to her. They turned the perpetrator house into an enormous beast in the process of putrefaction It gives the house a very grotesque form. Its like its had the life sucked out of it and has been turned into a ferocious beast. The people of Agua Santa seem to liven up once something started happening in their insignificant backwater town. The Lieutenant and his men even arrived so you might it was important but they accepted an invitation of the girls at the who were celebrating a birthday, they said it makes it seem deceiving. There were more people on the street than on All Saints Day, this shows that even a spark of activity can cause big difference the peoples attitudes and lift their spirits. they seemed to be practising a part in a movie its like the whole scene was surreal and this could not really be happening. The priest lighted up the lamps but no one was in the mood for that type of devotion. Everybody is so excited and that they dont concentrate on anything else, not even their religion, just on the news they heard. The body was stuffed in to a canvas sack, wrestled out into the street, unceremoniously thrown into a sack and put into the back of Riads truck. The body didnt seem to have been shown respect at all since it was the killer of Ines son. The house had further developed into a monstrosity and no one could get through the impenetrable jungle. When they got back to at midnight, they found no one had gone to bed. Everybody seemed to be so ecstatic and full of energy that the perpetrator was gone. Agua Santa returned to their usual chores exalted by a magnificent complicity, by a secret kept by good neighbours, the community know they can trust each other and work together in any situation. Both mothers know what they want and how to get it and both have a level of determination. Their love for their sons is a strong motive to their revenge and are ruthless in their ways of dealing with it. Both mothers dont show a lot of emotion throughout the stories until the very end because they finally know they have done what they needed to do. The endings of the stories are both effective because they are both short and straight to the point and they both end on a happy note and the mothers can live their lives since both of them get their revenge. The characters are firmly rooted in time and place. For example, I think Vendetta had a strong belief about family but not about the community while The Schoolteachers Guest was the opposite. The communities reacted to the killings in different ways. The people of Agua Santa supported Ines and were right behind her and resulted in violent behaviour by vandalising the perpetrators house whilst in Vendetta , the community thought nothing of it and just continued with their lives and took no interest. Ines waits and speculates for things to start up while Widow Saverini gets right on with the task of dealing with the problem. In all, the stories both symbolise revenge and on how the mothers deal with the same situation. By Rio Small 10K1 Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Miscellaneous section.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Thirty Years War Essay -- History Euope War European Historical Essays

Thirty Years War Philip, Spanish kings. Philip I (the Handsome), 1478-1506, king of Castile (1506), was the son of Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I and Mary of Burgundy. He inherited Burgundy and the Low Countries from his mother and was titular joint ruler of Castile with his wife, Joanna. But her father ruled these lands as his regent, so he contested (1504) Ferdinand's regency and assumed (1506) joint rule of Castile with his wife. Philip's early death, however, and his wife's deteriorating mental condition allowed Ferdinand to resume joint control of Castile. The Low Countries passed to Philip's son, who later became Holy Roman Emperor Charles V. Philip II, 1527-98, king of Spain (1556-98), king of Naples and Sicily (1554-98) and, as Philip I, king of Portugal (1580-98), centralized authority under his absolute monarchy and extended Spanish colonization to the present S United States and the Philippines (which were named after him). From his father, Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, he inherited Napl es, Sicily, the Low Countries, and other territories. After the death of his first wife, Maria of Portugal, he married (1554) Queen Mary I of England and drew that nation into his father's war with France. Following Mary's death (1558), he married Elizabeth of Valois and concluded the war with France in 1559. Philip used the Inquisition to repress the Moriscos and assure Spanish religious unity. He dealt with the Dutch revolt in his Low Countries domain by reconquering the southern half of the country. English support of the rebels and their persistent attacks on Spanish ships led him to plan an invasion of England by the Spanish Armada (1588), which was ignominiously defeated. Earlier, he succeeded in conquering Portugal (1580). Despite his conquests and the influx of gold from America, the cumulative effects of depopulation, colonial overexpansion, and burdensome taxation debilitated Spain by the end of his reign (1598). Philip was a hardworking bureaucrat with a capacity for infi nite detail, and though his administration was generally just, his bureaucratic absolutism inevitably created discontent. His court was at the Escorial. Philip III, 1578-1621, king of Spain, Naples, and Sicily, and, as Philip II, king of Portugal (1598-1621), lacked the intelligence and capacity for work of his father, Philip II, and left the actual government to the duque de Ler... ... The Duchy of Wà ¼rttemberg alone had lost almost two thirds of its population from hunger and disease, murder and killing. In 1618 it had 350,000 inhabitants, in 1648 just 120,000. The following examples come from the Mà ¼nsingen district and show the numbers of married couples and buildings before and after the war:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Married Couples  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Houses and barns City of Mà ¼nsingen  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  191  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  96  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  240  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  157 Apfelstetten  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  56  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  15  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  74  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  29 Auingen  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  87  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  25  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  115  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  49 Bà ¶ttingen  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  64  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  14  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  82  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  39 Hundersingen  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  45  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  54  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  5 Mehrstetten  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  132  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  26  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  156  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  68 Mundingen  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  48  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  10  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  35  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  23 An important outcome of the Peace of Westphalia was that now, along with Catholics and Lutherans, the Reformed were also tolerated. This was important for the Palatinate. For one part of the southwest, a peace of 150 years began. On the Middle Neckar, in the whole Upper Rhine area and especially in the Electorate Palatine the wars waged by the French King Louis XIV from 1674 to 1714 caused further terrible destruction. France penetrated through acquired possessions in Alsace to the Rhine border. Switzerland separated from the German empire.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Don’t Waste Your Life

Piper, john. Don’t waste Your Life. Wheaton, Illinois: Cross Way Books:2003, Pgs 191. Since 1980, John Piper has been the pastor for preaching at Bethlehem Baptist Church in the heart of Minneapolis. Purpose of this Book and Summary The main purpose for which John Piper wrote this book was to help Christians and non Christians to not waste their lives (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). John Piper wants all people to know the purpose for which they were created and to live for it. Furthermore, John Piper tells us that we belong to God; we do not belong to ourselves because God bought us at a price.It is not all about how to avoid a wounded life but how to avoid a wasted life. The Bible is crystal-clear: God created us for his glory. Thus says the Lord â€Å"Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth, everyone who is called by name, whom I created for my glory† (Isaiah 43:6-7). Life is wasted when we do not live for the glory of God. The Bible says that, yo u can give away all that you have and deliver your body to be burned and have not love (1 Corinthians: 13:3). If you don’t point people to God for everlasting joy, you don’t love. You waste your live.The opposite of wasting life, is the living life by a single God-exalting, soul-satisfying passion. The well-lived life must be God-exalting and soul-satisfying because that is why God created us (Isaiah 43:7; Psalm 90:14). Oh, how many lives are wasted by people who believe that the Christian live means simply avoiding badness and providing for family. So, there is no adultery, no stealing, no killing, no embezzlement, no fraud, just lots of hard work during the day, and lots of television and videos, and lots of fun stuff on the weekend, woven around church (mostly).This is life fore millions of people. Wasted life. We are created for more, far more If we desire that there be no boasting except in the cross, then we must live near the cross, indeed we must live on the cr oss (Gal 6:14). Boasting in the cross happens when you are on the cross (Gal 2:19-20). â€Å"I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me. And the life and now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. † Living magnify Christ is costly. This is not surprising. He was crucified.He calls us to follow him. †If anyone will come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me† (Mark 8:34). A life devoted to making much of Christ is costly. If our single, all-embracing passion is to make much of Christ in life and death, and if the life that magnifies him most is the life of costly love, then life is risk, and risk is right. To run from it is to waste your life. Major Themes Some of the themes discussed in this book: boasting only on the cross, the blazing center of the glory God, better to lose your life than to waste it.John Piper presented these themes beau tifully under captivating sub topics in the book; each of which warms up the heart and also challenges not to waste his or her life. There is really no story line from my point of view, but that change the fact that the themes have been treated through well organized thoughts. Evaluation Don’t Waste Your Life to me is classic. I say so because, when you read each page, you feel like you are not living up to expectation, it like you are not doing as much as you ought to be doing.The book is so inspiring so much so that it gives a new challenge, and rekindles a dying zeal. The book makes one feel like one needs to rededicate his life to Christ and start afresh. John Piper makes one feel if a second chance to born again physically in order to make up for the wasted years, one would hesitate to grasp that chance. The book does not leave anyone indifferent, whether believers or unbelievers. The book addresses every society and culture, that is, it applies across cultures.The syllo gism in the introduction of chapter five that says: If our single all-embracing passion is to make much of Christ in life and death and if the life that magnifies Him most is the life of costly love, then risk is right. To run from it is to waste your life. This syllogism seems to me to be the core of John’s thought in this book. Those who think that Christianity is bed of roses can get from this book with biblical backings that there also the aspects of suffering in it. Application This book was like a reminder to me, from now, I know that I must be accountable as to how I use or spend my time.I have come to realize that there are thing s one may be doing thinking that they are important thinks in the side of God, just to realize after that it was a total waste of time. For example, the numerous church programs that we have that do not readily point people to Christ, rather, some even discourage people from following Christ. I will not waste my life. I recommend this book to all Christians regardless of their positions in Church. This book will be of help to non-Christians as well.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


It was two days later when, as the morning sun shone down on them, Harry first saw Istan again; and she altered their course a little to the north, for it was not the town she was aiming for, but Jack Dedham's garrison. She prayed to anything that might be listening that he would be there, not off on some diplomatic sortie or border-beating. She could not imagine trying to explain her errand to anyone else; she did not think Jack would conclude that she was mad. She did think that anyone else – even Dickie; especially Dickie – would. But even if Jack were at the fort, and believed her story, would he help her? She didn't know, and didn't dare make guesses. But she and Terim and Senay, even with Senay's father's reinforcements, would not be very effective by themselves. Rather more effective than I would have been by myself, though, she thought. The first evening, after Senay and Terim had joined her, and after the animals were settled and the other two human beings were asleep, Harry had cut herself a long straight slender branch from a tree, and stripped it with the short knife she kept in one boot. When they set out that evening she tied it lengthwise to Sungold's saddle, so it rubbed against her right leg as she rode, but at least it did not threaten either of her companions, who rode close at her sides. They eyed it, but said nothing. When she first recognized Istan looming out of the dawn light at them, she paused, took out her knife again, and deliberately ripped several inches of hem from her white tunic, unlashed her branch, and tied the raveling bit of cloth to one end of it. She tucked the other end just under one leg, and held it upright with one hand. â€Å"It is a sign that we come in peace,† she explained, a little sheepishly, to her friends; their faces cleared, and they nodded. It was still very early. The town was silent as they skirted it; nothing, not even a dog, challenged them as they rode toward the fort. Harry found herself watching out of the corners of her eyes, looking for any odd little wisps of fog that might be following them. The dogs ought to bark. She didn't see any fog. She didn't know if either of her companions was a fog-rouser; and she knew only too well that she did not know what she herself was capable of. They rode up to the closed gate of the fort, the horses' hooves making small thunks in the sandy ground, kicking up small puffs of grit; she thought of the fourposter pony, who was no doubt drowsing in his stall now, dreaming of hay. Harry looked at the fort gate in surprise; as she remembered, and she was reasonably sure that she remembered correctly, the gate was opened at dawn, with reveille, and stayed open till taps at sunset. The gate, wooden and iron-barred, in a wall of dull yellow brick, was higher than her head as she sat on Sungold, looking up; and its frame was higher yet. They rode right up to it, and no one hailed them; and they stood in front of it, at a loss, their shadows nodding bemusedly at them from the grey wood before them and Harry's little flag limp at the end of its pole. Narknon went up to the gate and sniffed it. Harry had never thought of the possibility of not being able to get inside the fort in the first place. She rode up next to the gate and hammered on it with her fist. As her flesh struck the solid barrier it sent a tingle up her arm, and a murmur of kelar at the base of her skull told her that she could walk through this wall if she had to, to pursue her purpose. In that instant she realized exactly how Corlath had stolen her from the bedroom that at present was not so far from where Sungold stood; and she understood as well that the kelar must see some use in her errand at the Outlander fort to back her so strongly; and for that she did not know whether to be glad or sorry or fearful. And if fearful, for the sake of whom? Her new people – or her old friends? And she had a quiver of wry sympathy for how the Hill-king must have felt, walking up the Residency stairs in the middle of the night; and then she tipped her head back to stare at the Outlander wall, and touched her calf to her Hill horse's side, to move him away from that wall. â€Å"Since when is this gate closed during daylight?† she shouted; and Homelander speech tasted strange in her mouth, and she wondered if she spoke the words as a Hillwoman might. With her words, the spell, whatever spell it might be, was broken; and the three Hill riders suddenly blinked, as if the sun had grown brighter; and a small panel shot back, beside the gate and above their heads; and a man's face glared down. â€Å"Where did you come from, Hillman, and what do you want of us?† He looked without pleasure at the white rag. â€Å"We came from the Hills,† Harry said, grinning, â€Å"but I am no Hillman; and we would like speech with Colonel Dedham.† The man scowled at her. She suspected that he did not like her knowing Jack's name. â€Å"He does not speak to Hillfolk – or those who ride like Hillfolk,† he added disagreeably. By now there were several faces peering over the wall at them; Harry did not recognize any of them, and found this strange, for she had known at least by sight nearly all of Dedham's men. She had not been gone for so many months that it seemed likely the entire complement of the fort could have changed. She squinted up at them, wondering if her eyes or her memory was playing her tricks. She frowned at her interlocutor's tone. â€Å"You could bear a message to him, then,† she said, trying to decide if it was worth the possibility of some kind of uproar if she said her name. â€Å"Hillfolk – † began the man at the window, and his tone was not encouraging. â€Å"Oh, Bill, for the love of God, the new orders say nothing about rudeness,† said one of the faces at the fence. â€Å"If you won't carry a message as requested, I will – and I'll be sure to mention why an off-duty man had to do it.† â€Å"Tom?† said Harry hesitantly. â€Å"Is that Tom Lloyd?† There was a tense and breathless silence, and the man at the open panel hissed something that sounded like â€Å"witchcraft.† The voice from the fence came again, slowly but clearly: â€Å"This is Tom Lloyd, but you have the advantage of me.† â€Å"True enough,† said Harry dryly, and shook back her hood and looked up at him. â€Å"We danced together, some months ago: my brother, Di – Richard, collected favors from all his tall friends to dance with his large sister.† â€Å"Harry – † said Tom, and leaned over the fence, his shoulders outlined against the light, his face and hands as pale as the desert sand. â€Å"Harry?† â€Å"Yes,† said Harry, shaken at how strange he looked to her, that she had not recognized him before he spoke. â€Å"I need to talk to Colonel Dedham. Is he here?† Harry's heart was in her mouth. â€Å"Yes, he is: reading a six-months-old newspaper from Home over a cup of coffee right now, I'd say.† Tom sounded dazed. â€Å"Bill, you wretch, open the gate. It's Harry Crewe.† Harry's legs were tight on Sungold's sides, and the big horse threw his head up and shivered. â€Å"He don't look like Harry Crewe,† Bill said suddenly. â€Å"And what about the two with him – her? And that funny-colored leopard?† â€Å"They're my friends,† said Harry angrily. â€Å"Either open the gate or at least take my message.† â€Å"I can't leave my post – another man'll have to take the word. I won't open the gate to Hillfolk. It's Hillfolk it's closed for. Tom's too easy. How do I know you're Harry Crewe? You look like a bloody Darian, and you ride like one, and you can't even talk right.† Harry's pulse began to bang in her ears. â€Å"For pity's sake – â€Å" â€Å"Not you, Tom,† said Bill; â€Å"we already know as how you're off duty. Get another man what's on.† â€Å"Don't bother,† said Harry, between her teeth; â€Å"I'll take the message myself. I know where Jack's quarters are.† She dropped her pole in the dust, and, conscious she was doing a supremely stupid thing, she brought Sungold a few more dancing steps away from the gate, turned him, and set him at it. He went up and over with a terrific heave of his hindquarters, and Harry had reason to be grateful for the perfect fit of her saddle; but once in the air he seemed to float, and look around, and he came down as lightly as a blown leaf. He trotted two steps and halted, while Harry tried to look calm and lofty and as though she had known what she was doing all the time. The leap was over in a few seconds, and no one had expected anything so incredible, even from a Hillman; now men were shouting, and there was a crowd all around her. She thought no one would shoot her out of hand, but she wasn't quite sure, so she waited, instead of going in search of Jack Dedham as she had threatened. Sungold stretched his neck out and shook himself. Narknon flowed over the gate behind them – there was a howl of fear and wrath from Bill – and the cat trotted to Sungold and crouched under his belly. But she did not have to look for Jack after all, because the row at the gate brought him at a run scant seconds after Sungold's leap. He rounded the narrow corner of some dark building opposite the place where Sungold stood. The horse lifted first one foot and then another, unaccustomed to such noisy reckless human beings, but still obedient to his rider's wishes. He replaced each foot in just the print it had left. Jack came to a halt, barely avoiding running into them. Sungold pitched his ears toward the balding grey-haired Outlander who stood now, stock still, staring: his eyes traveled from the big chestnut horse down to the laconic cat, up to the horse's rider, and his jaw visibly dropped. Harry's hood was still back on her shoulders, and her bright hair flamed in the young sunlight; he recognized her immediately, although he had never seen such an expression on her face before. A moment passed while he could think of nothing; then he strode forward with a cry of â€Å"Harry!† and raised his arms, and she, a young girl again with a young girl's face, ungracefully tumbled off her horse and into them. He thumped her on the back, as he might have one of his own men back from an impossible mission and long since given up for lost; and then he kissed her heartily on the mouth, which he would not have done to any of his own men; and Harry hugged him around the neck, and then, embarrassed, tried to back away. He held her shoulders a minute longer and stared at her; they were much of a height, and Tom Lloyd, looking wistfully on, found himself thinking that they looked very much alike, for all of the girl's yellow hair and Hill clothing; and he realized, without putting any of it into words, that the girl he had danced with months ago, and thought about as he blacked his boots, and lost sleep over when she disappeared, was gone forever. Harry drew a hasty sleeve across her eyes; and then Tom, emboldened by his commander's behavior, hugged her too, but backed away without meeting her eyes; and Harry, even preoccupied as she was, was briefly puzzled by Tom's air of farewell, and she guessed something of what her brother had never told her. The whole fort was aroused; there were dozens of men standing around staring, and asking questions of one another; some were in uniform, and some looked like they had fallen out of bed a minute before; a few carried rifles and were looking around wildly. A few of those rifles were pointed at Narknon, but the cat had sense enough not to move, or even yawn and display her dangerous-looking fangs. The Outlanders asked each other questions, and there was a lot of shrugging; but while their colonel's evident delight in their sudden Hill visitor allayed any immediate fears they might have, Harry thought they looked tense and wary, as men may who live long under some strain. â€Å"What should I ask first?† said Jack. â€Å"Why are you here? Your horse tells me where you've been these months past – God, what an animal – but I am totally awestruck by the intelligence †¦ although, come to think of it, I don't seem to be surprised. Do you know that the entire station turned out to look for you when you vanished? Although I doubt in fact that you know anything of the sort; I flatter myself I searched as painstakingly as anyone, but what the Hills take, if they mean to keep it, they keep it, and I rather thought they meant to keep you. Everyone was sure the Hillfolk did have something to do with your evaporating like that – although it was more a superstition than a rational conclusion, as nary a trace of anything did we find; no rumors in the marketplace either. Amelia, poor lady, had well-bred hysterics, and Charles chewed his mustaches ragged, and Mrs. Peterson took her girls south to Ootang. And your brother stopped talkin g to everybody, and rode three horses to death – and he takes good care of his horses, usually, or I wouldn't have him here. I don't think he even noticed when Cassie Peterson left.† Harry blushed, and looked at her feet. â€Å"So you see, he does care – you've wondered, haven't you? He wasn't too fond of his commanding officer there for the weeks that it lasted, for I couldn't somehow work up the proper horror – oh, I was worried about you, but I was also †¦ envious.† He looked at her, smiling, wondering what her reaction would be to his words, wondering if he had said the right thing, knowing that the truth was not always its own excuse; knowing that his relief at seeing her made him talk too much and too freely – a reaction that had, often enough in the past, gotten him into trouble with his superior officers. And Harry looked back at him, and she smiled too, but she remembered the vertigo of the Outlander girl alone in a camp of the Hillfolk, surrounded by a people speaking a language she could not speak, whose hopes she did not understand, whose dreams she could not share. The people of the Hills had been her own people's foes for eighty years and more, for she was born and bred a Homelander; how could Jack – even Jack – speak of envy? Her smile froze, and her tunic napped against her back and hips, for she had, somehow, lost her sash, and she had hung Gonturan from Sungold's saddle, so as to look, she hoped, a little less like immediate war. Lost her sash. A Hillman would never lose his sash. What was she? Damalur-sol. Ha. She laid a hand on Sun-gold's shoulder, but when he turned his head to touch her with his nose she was not comforted, for he had lived all his life in the Hills. She wished bitterly that her brother had told her of Tom Lloyd, months ago. That was something she might have understood, and Tom was kind and honest. She swallowed and looked at Jack again, and he saw memory shining in her eyes, and he smiled sadly at her, and was sorry for any further pain his thoughtless words had given her. â€Å"Child,† he said quietly, â€Å"choices are always hard. But do you not think yours is already made?† Harry's fingers combed through her Hill horse's mane, and she said, â€Å"There never was a choice. I ride the only way open to me, and yet often and again it seems to me I am dangerously unfit for it.† She laughed a little and shakily. â€Å"It seems to me further that it is very odd that fate should lay so careful a trail and spend so little time preparing the one that must follow it.† Jack nodded. â€Å"It is not the sort of thing that is recorded in official histories, but I believe that such thoughts have come not infrequently to others – † he smiled faintly – â€Å"ensnared as you are.† Harry's hand dropped back to her side and she smiled again. â€Å"Colonel, I shall try not to take myself too seriously.† â€Å"And I shall try not to talk too much.† They grinned at each other, and knew that they were friends, and the knowledge was a relief and a pleasure and a hope to each of them, but for different reasons. Then Jack looked her over again, as if noticing the travel stains for the first time and said in a deliberately bright tone: â€Å"You look like you could use a bath †¦ My God, that sword: you're carrying a king's ransom casually across your pommel.† â€Å"Not casually,† said Harry somberly. â€Å"Questions later,† Jack said, â€Å"but I will hope that you will answer them. First food and rest, and then you will tell me a very long story, and it has to be the true one, although I don't promise to believe it.† â€Å"I am not quite alone, † said Harry, smiling again. â€Å"Will you let two friends of mine past your formidable gate as well?† â€Å"Not so formidable,† said Colonel Dedham. â€Å"I wish I'd arrived a minute earlier and seen that jump. I don't believe it.† â€Å"It's true, sir,† said Tom. â€Å"I believe it's true, I just don't believe it,† said Jack. â€Å"No doubt all of your story will be just as impossible. And just to start with, what is that?† he said, pointing at Narknon, who still had not moved. â€Å"She's a hunting-cat, a folstza. She adopted me soon after †¦ I left here.† Narknon, deeming the moment right, stood up slowly, and opened her big green eyes to their fullest extent, batted the long golden lashes once or twice at Jack, and began to pace toward him, while he gamely held his ground. Narknon paused a step away and started to purr, and Jack laughed uncertainly; whereupon the cat took the last step and rubbed her cheek against the back of his hand. Jack, with the look of a man who throws dice with the devil, petted her and Narknon redoubled the purr. â€Å"I think I'm being courted,† said Jack. â€Å"Narknon has an excellent sense of whose side it is most expedient to be on,† said Harry. â€Å"But – â€Å" â€Å"Yes, we will let your companions come in in the traditional fashion. Unbar the gate, there, Shipson, and be quick about it, before anything else comes over it. I don't like the new standing orders, and they obviously aren't much good besides.† Jack looked up from Narknon, who was now leaning her full weight against his legs and tapping her tail against the backs of his thighs, to gaze again at Sungold. â€Å"A real Hill horse. Can they all leap over Outlander forts before breakfast?† â€Å"No. Or they may, but most of their riders have more sense than to try it. Particularly after a journey such as we've had.† The excitement of seeing Jack again, and the reassurance of the warmth of his welcome, drained away from her, and she remembered that she was exhausted, and the sense of coming home to a place that was no longer home oppressed her further. â€Å"I'd like the bath and the food, and we all have to have sleep. But most of the story will have to wait; I'll tell you what I must, but †¦ we don't have much time.† â€Å"You are here for a purpose, and I can guess some of it. I'll try not to be stupid.† The gate opened, and Terim and Senay rode quietly through and stopped by Sungold's flank and dismounted. Harry introduced them, and they bowed, touching their fingers respectfully to their foreheads, but without the last flick outward of the fingers that indicates that the one addressed is of superior rank. When she said in Hill-speech, â€Å"And this is Colonel Dedham, whose aid we are here to seek,† she was pleased with the way her Outlander friend in his turn bowed and touched his fingers to his forehead, only glancing at her with mild inquiry. â€Å"I am sorry,† said Jack as he led the way to his quarters, â€Å"but I speak only a little of your Hill tongue. I must ask you to tell me what I need to hear in my own language, and apologize to your friends for the necessary rudeness of excluding them.† This was spoken in heavily accented but perfectly adequate Hill-speech, and Terim and Senay both smiled. â€Å"We understand the need for speed and clarity, and it would not have occurred to us to take offense,† said Terim, who had a king's son's swiftness for turning a diplomatic phrase; and Senay simply nodded. So Jack Dedham cleared off the table in the second of the two small rooms that were his, the table in question accustomed to duty as a dining-table and writing-desk, as well as a convenient surface to set any indeterminate object down on; and his batman brought breakfast for three. The three ate their way through it with enthusiasm, and the man, grinning, brought second breakfasts for three. â€Å"Make it four, Ted,† said Dedham. â€Å"I'm getting hungry again.† When they were finished, and Harry was staring into her teacup and realizing with uneasy chagrin that she'd rather be drinking malak, Jack filled his pipe and began to produce thick heavy clouds of smoke that crawled around the room and nosed into the corners. â€Å"Well?† he said. â€Å"Tell me in what fashion you have come to seek my aid.† Harry said, staring at the worn tips of her Hill boots, â€Å"The Northern army will be coming through the mountains †¦ soon. Very soon. Corlath's army is camped on the plain before the wide gap – the Bledfi Gap, we call it – the Gate of the North, you know, in the Horfel Mountains – â€Å" Jack said from a cloud of smoke: â€Å"The Gambor Pass, in the Ossander range. Yes.† â€Å"We want to plug the northwest leak, the little way through the mountains above Ihistan – where an undesirable trickle of Northern soldiers could come through and – â€Å" â€Å"And raze Istan, and go on to harass Corlath.† Harry nodded. â€Å"Not just harass; there are not many Hillfolk to fight.† â€Å"That explains, no doubt,† said Jack, â€Å"why there are only three of you – and a cat with long teeth – for the northwest leak, as you call it.† Harry smiled faintly. â€Å"It was almost one of me, alone.† â€Å"I would hazard, then, that you are not precisely here under Corlath's orders.† â€Å"Not exactly.† â€Å"Does he know where you are?† Harry thought about it, and said carefully, â€Å"I did not tell him where I was going before I left.† Her ribs missed the pressure of a sash. Dedham blinked a few times, slowly, and said, â€Å"I assume I am to conclude that he will be able to guess where you've gone. And these two poor fools decided to throw their lots in with an outlaw? I am impressed.† Harry was silent for a minute. For all her brave words to Jack at the fort gate, she felt that the path she had thought she was following had blurred and then lurched underfoot as soon as Sungold had jumped the wall. It was difficult for her now to remember who she was – damalur-sol and sashless – and why she was here, and where she was going; her thoughts ambled around in her head, tired and patternless. She remembered Luthe saying to her: â€Å"It is not an enviable position, being a bridge, especially a bridge with visions†; and she thought that in fact a nice clear vivid vision would be a great boon. She sighed and rubbed her eyes. â€Å"Corlath did not take at all kindly to Sir Charles that day, did he?† Jack smiled without humor. â€Å"Not at all kindly, no.† Harry scowled. â€Å"He's still cutting off his nose to spite his face, ignoring the northwest pass.† â€Å"Ritger's Gap,† said Jack. â€Å"He probably doesn't look at it that way, though. He came to us offering an alliance of mutual support, true, but he was doing us a favor by giving us the benefit of his spies' work in the north – which Sir Charles, in his less than infinite wisdom, chose to disbelieve. I would assume that your Corlath will now simply wipe out as many Northerners as he can, and what's left of his Hillfolk in the end will retreat to those eastern mountains of his. Whether or not the western plains are overrun with unchecked Northerners is not, finally, of great interest to him one way or another. Our decision not to help only means a few more divisions of the Northern army to harry them in their Hills: unfortunate but not of the first importance.† â€Å"If the Homeland got behind the attempt to throw back the Northerners – â€Å" â€Å"There was never any chance of that, my dear, believe me,† replied Jack. â€Å"You are attempting to be logical, I suspect, and logic has little to do with government, and nothing at all to do with military administration. â€Å"You are also still thinking like a Homelander – an Outlander, if you wish – for all you've learned to ride like a Hillman,† and his eyes settled on Gonturan, hanging by her belt over the back of Harry's chair. â€Å"You know Istan is here, and it seems like a waste to you that we should be obliterated without a chance; and you were also fortunately absent that day, and did not hear Sir Charles being insufferable. Sir Charles is a good man in many ways, but new things disconcert him. The idea of an alliance between Hill and Outlander is blasphemously new.† You are also still thinking like a Homelander – an Outlander, if you wish – for all you've learned to ride like a Hillman. The words hung before Harry's eyes as if sewn on a banner and then thrust into the ground at her feet as her standard. She looked at nothing as she said, â€Å"You are working up to telling me that there is nothing that can be done.† â€Å"No; but I am working up to telling you that there is no possibility of there being done what ought to be done – I agree with you, our, or at any rate my, country should get serious about the threat from the North. It is a real threat.† He rubbed his face with his hand, and looked momentarily weary. â€Å"I am glad you have put this chance, little as it is, in my hand. My orders, of course, forbid me to go skylarking off to engage the Northerners at Ritger's Gap or anywhere else – the official, illogical attitude is that this is a tribal matter, and if we stay quietly at home with our gates closed the wave will break and flow around us. I know this is nonsense, and so do a few of the men who've been here more than a few years. I've been brooding for months – off and on since Corlath's unexpected visit; I believed what he told us that his spies had brought back from the North – whether or not it's worth my pension to go try and do anything abou t it. I rather think it is, as we're sure to be killed if we stay at home and I'd rather be killed out doing something than have my throat slit in bed. You're just the excuse I've been looking for; it's been a bit hard to determine which dragon a solitary St. George should take on, when there seem to be dragons everywhere.† Harry looked at Jack, conscious of Terim and Senay at her elbow, and a furry shoulder pressed against her feet under the table. The sense of dislocation was almost a physical thing, like a stomachache or a sore throat; but Jack's words now eased the sore place a little. The bridge could stretch to cross this chasm, perhaps, after all. She was still alone and still scared, but for the first time since she had ridden away from Corlath's camp she felt that her errand was not necessarily a mad one; and so her conviction that she was doomed to it was therefore a little less terrifying. And perhaps it did not matter in what world she belonged if both worlds were marching in step. And now that Jack believed her, she could depend on him; for Harimad-sol was still laprun, and while she was glad of Terim and Senay, they looked up to her, and she didn't entirely like the sensation. The old friendship with Jack had taught her what kind of man he was, and he would not be embarrassingly awed by Harimad-sol and her legendary sword. The literal-minded pragmatism of the Outlander psyche had its uses. But as the weight of solitude eased, his words laid a new weight on her: Were her perceptions so wrong then? Was she in fact thinking like a Homelander – and had she, then, betrayed her new allegiance? She opened the palm of her right hand, and looked at the small white scar that lay across it. What did Corlath think of her desertion? Had Luthe's fears for her been correct, and had she not been able to see the right way when the ways divided before her? â€Å"Harry.† Jack reached across the table and pulled her right hand toward him. â€Å"What is that?† She closed her fingers till what she suddenly felt was her brand of Cain disappeared. â€Å"It's a †¦ ritual I went through. I'm a king's Rider.† â€Å"Good Lord. How the – excuse me – how did you manage that? Not that I ever doubted your sterling qualities, but I know something of that tradition – king's Riders are the, um, the elite †¦ â€Å" â€Å"Yes,† said Harry. Jack only looked at her, but her mouth went dry. She swallowed and said, â€Å"They thought it would be †¦ useful †¦ to have a damalur-sol again.† â€Å"Lady Hero,† said Jack. â€Å"Yes.† She swallowed again. â€Å"Cor – Corlath said that this war had no hope, and something like – something like a damalur-sol was a little like hope. I – I have seen Lady Aerin – do you know about the Water of Sight? – and so they think I must be someone important too.† Jack studied her as a botanist might study a new plant. â€Å"Blood calls to blood, evidently. Although Richard is the straightest arrow I've ever seen: maybe it only runs from mother to daughter.† Harry brought her head up sharply and stared at her old friend. â€Å"What?† â€Å"Surely you know,† Jack said, frowning. â€Å"Your great-grandmother – mother's mother's mother – was a Hillwoman; one of rank, I believe. That was before we'd gained a proper foothold here, or we were at least still struggling to keep what we'd got. It was a terrible scandal. I don't know much about it; it makes Richard quite green even to think about it. Young Dick turns green rather easily about some things: but some curious sense of honor compelled him to tell me, as his commanding officer, so that I could make allowances if he went off screaming into the Hills of his ancestors, I suppose. The blood taint that Fate has seen fit to hand him seems to prey on his mind.† Jack had been watching her closely as he rattled on, and broke off abruptly. â€Å"My dear, you must have known of this?† Harry sat still in her chair, where she was sure she would sit forever, gazing in amazement at the story Jack had just told her. She must have looked very queer, for Terim said to her anxiously, â€Å"Harimad-sol, what is wrong? You look as if you have seen your father's ghost. Has this man said aught of ill to you?† Harry roused and shook her head, which felt thick and heavy. â€Å"No; he has just told me something that bewilders me even as it makes all plain.† Senay said softly: â€Å"Sol, might we know what it is?† Harry tried to smile. â€Å"He has said that my mother's grandmother was a Hillwoman, and thus the blood of your Hills runs in my veins.† The two looked back at her with the sort of surprise and consternation she was sure was still plain on her own face. Terim said: â€Å"But we know you must be one of us, or the king's madness would not come to you, and everyone knows that it does: already there are tales told of Harimad-sol at the laprun trials. The Water of Sight shows you things, and Lady Aerin speaks to you, and your eyes turn yellow when you are held by some strong emotion. In fact, they are yellow now.† Harry laughed: a little laugh and a weak one, but still a laugh, and she said to Jack, â€Å"My friends are not the least surprised by this intelligence, for all that it shakes me to my soul and makes my heart beat too fast – with fear or joy I am not quite sure. They say they have known me for a Hillwoman all along.† â€Å"I've no doubt that's true,† Jack said dryly. â€Å"You may be sure Corlath would have made no Outlander his Rider, even if the Lady Aerin ordered him to.† â€Å"But why was I never told?† Harry mused, still trying to collect her thoughts together in one place so that she could look at them. Perhaps she was a better-constructed bridge than she had realized; and she thought of beams and girders, and almost laughed; how Outlanderish an image that was, to be sure. And as she labeled that bit of herself Outlander she then was free to label some other bit Damarian; and she felt a little more like herself all over, as though she were fitting into her skin a little more securely. She still was not sure what she was, but at least she need not be unhappy for not knowing: and now, perhaps, she had the missing pieces she needed to begin to learn. â€Å"I think,† Jack said slowly, â€Å"that I have an idea about that. I had assumed that you did know, but I remember now how Richard and I talked about you when you were to come out here – he seemed to think it would be bad for you in a particular way – † He frowned, trying to remember clearly. â€Å"You were evidently a little too, um, bohemian for him, and he obviously thought living in the land of your grandmother's mother was going to aggravate the tendency. But I never thought he would, er †¦ â€Å" â€Å"Protect me from myself by keeping me in ignorance?† Harry smiled ruefully. â€Å"Well, I didn't know, but I'm not surprised. Angry maybe – how dare he? – but not surprised. He takes the man's responsibility toward his frail female relations very seriously, does Dickie. Drat him. Where is my inestimable brother? Here?† Jack was smiling at her, as she sat with her sword hilt touching her shoulder when she gestured. â€Å"No,† he said, â€Å"he's off being diplomatic, which is something he shows some brilliance at, for me and Sir Charles. We'd like some extra men here, just in case this silly tribal matter gets out of hand, and I would only get red and froth at the mouth, while Richard can look earnest and beseeching, and may even have some effect.† He looked gloomily at the table. â€Å"I torment myself, now and again, wondering whether, if Corlath had given us a bit more warning about what he had in mind, if Peterson and I could have brought Charles around – even a little – this mess we're in might have been, even a little, less of a mess. But it is not, as we say when we are being diplomatic, a fruitful source of inquiry.† Harry was thinking, For that matter, why didn't Mummy or Father tell me about my mysterious inheritance? They must have known, to tell my wretched brother – indeed, it must have been generally known to some extent; that explains why we were never quite the thing – I always thought it was just because we didn't give the right sort of dinner parties and spent too much time in the saddle. She went hot and cold, and her last shred of doubt about whether she had chosen wisely when she chose the Hills over the country that had raised her dissolved; but she had loved her family and her home, and she was without bitterness. She yanked her attention back as Jack began to speak again: â€Å"It's been a little anxious here lately. There is something, or there are somethings, hanging around the town and the fort; and twice my men have gone out scouting and found signs of battle; and once there was a corpse.† His face was drawn and old. â€Å"It wasn't quite human; although from a distance it would probably look human enough.† Harry said softly: â€Å"I have been told that much of the Northern army is not quite human.† Jack was silent for a little, then said: â€Å"In simple numbers I can't promise much. I don't want to risk forcibly anyone's neck but my own, as we will be going against orders, but there are a few men here I know who have the same attitude toward the Northerners that I do. I will put it to them.† Harry said, â€Å"So, how many and how quickly?† â€Å"Not very and very. Those of us who will go have been quivering like so many arrows on so many bowstrings for weeks; we'll be grateful for the chance to snap forward. Look: you and your friends can have a bath and a nap; and we should be able to march at sunset.† There had been something obscurely troubling Harry since she entered the fort so precipitously; and at first she had put it down to the confusion, to her first sight of Outlanders since she had ceased to be one herself; and the troubled reflections that this recognition had brought her. But the sense of not-quite-right, of a whiff of something unpleasant, or a vibration in the air, increased as the rest of her relaxed. She looked around her now, able to think about this specific disturbance, to focus on its cause if her kelar would point the way. She turned her head one way and another; it was much worse in the small closed space that was Jack's rooms. It was as she put her hand over the blue stone on Gonturan's hilt that she finally understood what it was. â€Å"One last thing,† she said. â€Å"Yes?† said Jack, but it took Harry a little time to put it in words. â€Å"No †¦ guns. Rifles or revolvers, or whatever it is you use. They'll only, um, go wrong.† And she shivered in the proximity of Jack's hunting-rifles hung on the wall, and two revolvers on belts hooked over the back of an unoccupied chair. Jack tapped his fingers on the table. â€Å"Not just rumors, then?† he said. Harry shook her head. â€Å"Not just rumors. It's not something I've seen, about guns – but I know. I know something of what the Hillfolk do, or are – and even if we could stop whatever it is we do, and I can't, because I usually don't know what I'm doing in the first place – I know too that, whatever it is, it will ride with those that we will be facing. And – and the presence of yours in this room,† and she waved her hand, while the other one still rested on the blue gem, â€Å"is making me feel †¦ edgy. It's the sort of thing I'm learning to pay attention to.† The room was suddenly smaller and darker than it had been before Harry spoke; Jack stared at her, seeing his young friend and seeing almost clearly the outline of the thing she had taken on in the Hills; and then an unexpected ray of sunlight fell through the window and the blue gem of her sword hilt blazed up as her hand slipped away from it, and her cheek and hair were lit blue. But the outline of her burden was gone. Jack thought, I am going to follow this child, to my death perhaps, but I am going to follow her, and be proud of the opportunity. â€Å"Very well. I believe you. It's rather pleasant to have one's favorite old-wives'-tales borne out as truth. You'll not want infantry anyway; and our cavalry is accustomed to its sabers.† â€Å"Now, about that bath?† Harry said. Ted was told to provide the baths and beds required; she and Senay were led to Jack's bathroom first, and Harry sank gratefully into the water in the tall tin tub, sliding down till the water closed over her face and she looked up at a wavering circular world. She had to come up at last to breathe, and the world opened out again. Senay unbraided and combed her long dark hair, which fell past her knees in well-ordered waves; Harry watched with envy. Her own hair was nearly so long, but it liked escaping whatever it was put into, and bits were always getting caught in things and snapped off; so while Senay's hair smoothly framed her face and smoothly twisted into a knot at the nape of her neck, Harry always had unrepentant tendrils launching themselves in all directions. Senay bound her sleek mane up again as Harry climbed, dripping, out of the tub. Senay slipped into the water with her own grateful sigh, and Harry put on the oversized ni ghtshirt Ted had laid out for her and stumbled into Jack's bedroom, where two cots had been set up by the bed. Narknon finished investigating all the corners of Jack's rooms, while Jack and Ted eyed her warily, soon after Harry finished her bath; but when the cat tried to squeeze herself next to her sol on the bed, Harry was so deeply asleep already that she refused to make room and Narknon, with a discontented yowl, had to sleep humped over her feet.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Events Leading to the Civil War

Events Leading to the Civil War Free Online Research Papers The North and South were very different from one another causing many conflicts between the two. E Because of their difference many events happened that led up to the American Civil War. Four of the major events that occurred leading to the American Civil War were the Compromise of 1850, the Kansas-Nebraska Act, the election of Abraham Lincoln, and the creation of the Confederate States. The North and South were two different types of people. The first difference in the two was their overall reasons for coming to the New World. The northern colonies all came for more of a spiritual reason as the South came strictly for the money (, 2010). The North wanted the freedom to practice their religion and raise their families. The South wanted the riches from the land and gain as much money and power they could off the new land. â€Å"Since the northern colonies attracted religious dissenters, they tended to migrate in families. Such family connections were less prevalent in the South† (, 2010). â€Å"While the northern colonies developed into shipping centers for furs, timber, and other natural resources, the south developed into an important center for agriculture, with cotton, rice, indigo, and tea among its most important crops† (Smith Michal , 2009, Para 4). The North would become industrialized and produce goods for their money. The South was agriculture based when they arrived and stayed that way while the North was becoming industrialized. The South grew cash crops such as tobacco, rice, indigo and cotton. The crops were grown on plantation farms where the slaves would work the fields (Martin Kelly, 2010). The south used the slaves to make their profit. The North and South had two different opinions about the slave trade that caused conflict between the two regions. The North felt that it was wrong to enslave humans. The South on the other hand was all for slavery. The South had dependency on their slaves though because the slaves were making them money. â€Å"Following the Mexican War, questions arose as to the future of the territories that were acquired from Mexico† (Swogger M, 1997). Because of the tension between the two regions on the slave issue a compromise was made in efforts to stop the Civil War from happening. That would be the Compromise of 1850. After the Mexican War the South and North argued about whether the state would be free or slaved. The slave trade in the District of Columbia was abolished and a new Fugitive Slave Act was passed. â€Å"Although each side received benefits, the north seemed to gain the most† (, 2010, Para 3). This would infuriate the Southern and conflict would still exist between the North and South states. The South benefited from the Slave Law passed with the Compromise of 1850. The South of course applause the Law but the North would refuse to follow and enforce the law. This would then help led to the Civil War in America between the North and South. â€Å"The Kansas-Nebraska Act was passed by the U.S. Congress on May 30, 1854† (the history place, 1996, Para 1). The act allowed Kansas and Nebraska citizens to choose if they were going to be free or slave states. The Act would be going against the Act of Missouri which had abolished slavery north of latitude 36, 30. The South strongly supported the Act but the north was all against the Kansas-Nebraska Act. This would then cause conflicts and more hate between the North and South. Being a cause to the Civil War of America. When Abraham Lincoln came into office America was just that much closer to the Civil War. He was elected President of the Unites States in the 1860’s. Abraham Lincoln was against slavery and planned to end it. â€Å"He ran on a platform denouncing disunion and calling for an end to slavery in the territories† (Martin K., 2010, Para 6). This would put fear into the South, for the South was still making their profit with using slaves. The North was all for Abraham Lincoln and supported him. â€Å"The results of the election brought the country to Civil War† (Nussbaum Edu. Net, 2009, Para 2). After Lincoln came into office, the South was extremely scared and angry. The south began a protest by forming the Confederate states in the South. This was the last event that would happen causing the Civil War of America. â€Å"On December 20, 1860, South Carolina seceded. By February 1, 1861, six more states Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas had split from the Union† (WGBH, 1998-1999, Para 1). They would become the Confederate States of America. In 1861 the president of the United States Abraham Lincoln came in front of the Confederate States with a proposal to stop to confederacy. Lincoln told them that it was his job as the president of the Unites States to protect the Union of the New World. He also mentioned to the confederate states that he in no way was trying to abolish the Fugitive Slave Law. The Confederate States however felt unsatisfied with what Lincoln had to say. â€Å"April 12 they attacked Fort Sumter, a federal stronghold in Charleston, South Carolina. Federal troops returned the fire. The Civil War had begun† (WGBH, 1998-1999, Para 2). The federal Government made many attempts to stop the Civil War from happening but in the end the war was just determined to have to be. Each attempt that was supposed to stop the conflicts’ and get the North and South on the same page, keep doing the opposite. Each time a compromise or bill was passed either the North or the South was against the Act. The Compromise of the 1850’s stopped the war from happing, but only temporarily. In the end the civil war happened because of such strong differences and beliefs and also the stubbornness of both the North and South regions. Many events occurred before the war that help led America into its Civil War. Four of many event that occurred were the Compromise of 1850, the Kansas- Nebraska Act, President Lincoln becoming president, and the session of the South. All the conflicts between the two had to do with how different they were from one another, starting with the reason why they came to America. Overall the Civil War happened and helped form what we know as America. Martin K. (2010) Abraham Lincoln – 16th President of the United States. American History. Martin K. (2010). Overview of Colonial America 1607- 1754. American History. Nussbaum Edu. Net. (2009). The Election of 1860. Smith M., (2009). Comparing America’s Northern and Southern Colonies. Inc. yahoo. News network. Swogger M. (1997). Causes of the Civil War: The Compromise of 1850 and Fugitive Slave laws. Suite101. The History Place. (1996). The Kansas-Nebraska Act. (2010). The Compromise of 1850. US History online textbook. (2010). The New England Colonies. US History online textbook. (2010). The Southern Colonies. US History online textbook. WGBH Education Foundation. (1998-19990. The civil war and emancipation. Africans in America. Research Papers on Events Leading to the Civil War19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoGenetic EngineeringThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite ReligionQuebec and CanadaPETSTEL analysis of IndiaTwilight of the UAW

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Tone

and one sentence may run for pages and be filled with parenthetical expressions, many subordinate clauses, elipses, and etc. Style is the technical aspect of an author’s writing. In â€Å"The Last Moon† by Andre Dubus the tone is cold and detached. This suits the subject because psychopaths are usually removed from their crimes- almost as if they are non-participants. The first sentence lets us know that this woman is not in control of her actions or thoughts- â€Å"The murder began someplace in her heart, a place she had never been. . . .† The style is direct and uncomplicated- mostly simple and compound sentences. In â€Å"Triangle of Light† by Pamela Harrison the tone is wistful and nostalgic. She is remembering a moment in her life. The light here symbolizes love- God’s love for the world and our love for each other. She is stranded in the dark hallway while mother and brother talk in the light-flooded kitchen. They are enjoying the fullness of love while she is deprived. The realization that mother loves brother first and foremost drives a wedge between the three of them- the three points in this triangle. The style is a bit more complicated- making use of dashes and parenthetical expressions.... Free Essays on Tone Free Essays on Tone Tone is a writer’s â€Å"attitude† or â€Å"voice.† Take a poem by Sylvia Plath- you should know the author even if her name does not appear. You can tell it’s plath by her cold, sarcastic, and sometimes brutal tone. Or take Robert Frost- all those vowels and assonance- you should know his writing even without his name attached. Or Emily Dickinson or Edgar A. Poe- their tone is unmistakeable. Which of you doesn’t know Bob Dylan when you hear him sing? Or Elvis- the tone is very distinctive. Style is the way an author puts words, sentences and paragraphs together. Earnest Hemingway uses short words and sentences. He is like reading the newspaper- very simple. William Faulkner, on the other hand, uses long words and one sentence may run for pages and be filled with parenthetical expressions, many subordinate clauses, elipses, and etc. Style is the technical aspect of an author’s writing. In â€Å"The Last Moon† by Andre Dubus the tone is cold and detached. This suits the subject because psychopaths are usually removed from their crimes- almost as if they are non-participants. The first sentence lets us know that this woman is not in control of her actions or thoughts- â€Å"The murder began someplace in her heart, a place she had never been. . . .† The style is direct and uncomplicated- mostly simple and compound sentences. In â€Å"Triangle of Light† by Pamela Harrison the tone is wistful and nostalgic. She is remembering a moment in her life. The light here symbolizes love- God’s love for the world and our love for each other. She is stranded in the dark hallway while mother and brother talk in the light-flooded kitchen. They are enjoying the fullness of love while she is deprived. The realization that mother loves brother first and foremost drives a wedge between the three of them- the three points in this triangle. The style is a bit more complicated- making use of dashes and parenthetical expressions....

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Win a McDonalds Scholarship

How to Win a McDonald's Scholarship SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips McDonald's charities offer many different scholarships for college-bound seniors all over the country, all with different awards and eligibility requirements. Because there's so much variability among awards, applying for a McDonald's scholarship can seem daunting. Ultimately, though, it's worth it to apply - since 1985, Ronald McDonald House Charities have given out over $65 million in scholarships. Wouldn't it be great to get a small piece of that? I'll walk you through the different types of scholarship awards that McDonald's offers, in addition to offering tips and strategies to optimize your chances of winning your own award. What Are the McDonald's Scholarships? Scholarships are awarded through chapters of Ronald McDonald's House Charities, or RMHCs. There are currently 322 RMHCs in 57 different counties and regions. A variety different scholarships are available, all with different eligibility requirements. Four particular scholarships are offered through many RMHC chapters - I'll be focusing on these awards for the rest of this article. The following scholarships are need-based awards that are given to honor students' scholastic, community, and work performance. You can only apply to one of the four scholarships listed, so focus on the scholarship that you are most eligible for. For example, if you are a minority scholarship applicant, apply to the appropriate ethnicity-based award if possible. Not all RMHCs will offer all four of the following scholarships.There may be local awards offered or sponsored through your RMHC, however- you can find out more by checking with a local McDonald’s restaurant. RHMC Scholars This scholarship is open to all students. The availability and amount of award depends on your local RHMC chapter. RHMC/HACER (Hispanic American Commitment to Educational Resources) This scholarship is open to students who have at least one parent of Hispanic heritage. Applicants must submit a personal statement about their cultural background, career goals, community commitment, and any unique personal circumstances.The availability and amount of award depends on your local RHMC chapter. There are four National RHMC/HACER scholarships available- your local RMHC doesn't need to participate for you to apply for this award. The scholarship is for undergraduate students only; recipients receive $100,000 paid out over 4 years. RMHC/African American Future Achievers This scholarship is open to students who have at least one parent of African American or Black Caribbean heritage.Applicants must submit a personal statement about their cultural background, career goals, community commitment, and any unique personal circumstances.The availability and amount of award depends on your local RHMC chapter. RMHC/ASIA (Asian Students Increasing Achievement) This scholarship is open to students who have at least one parent of Asian-Pacific heritage.Applicants must submit a personal statement about their cultural background, career goals, community commitment, and any unique personal circumstances.The availability and amount of award depends on your local RHMC chapter. Check with your local chapter to see if they offer any other scholarships you may be eligible for. How Do You Know If You're Eligible? In addition to the ethnic eligibility requirements for a few of the above scholarships, there are some blanket eligibility requirements that apply to RMHC awards.In order to qualify, you must: Be a high school senior Be under 21 Have a minimum 2.7 GPA Be eligible to attend a 2-year or 4-year college, university, or technical school with a full course of study Be a legal US resident Live in a participating RMHC's geographic area (with the exception of the National RMHC/HACER scholarships) Submit a complete application and all required documentation by the appropriate deadline. Provide verification of enrollment at an eligible school Demonstrate financial need If you meet all the above requirements, you're on the right track to submitting a successful McDonald's scholarship application. What Information Do You Need to Apply? Keep in mind that deadlines and other application requirements may vary based on your local RMHC. However, you'll most likely be asked to provide the following materials for your scholarship application: High school transcript SAT/ACT scores Resume Personal statement addressing your background, career goals, community commitment, and any unique personal circumstances or characteristics. Your statement should likely be fewer than 1000 words. Letters of recommendation - these should come from teachers or mentors who can speak to your abilities and commitment to education. How Do You Submit an Application? The application window for the 2018-2019 academic year has already closed, but you could get a head start on the 2019-2020 applications if you're a current high school senior.The new application should open in October of 2019; the deadline will likely be in late January of 2020. This page should update with more information about submitting an application once the new scholarship opens in October. Until then, you can get more information by contacting your local RMHC. How Much Can You Win? Like I mentioned earlier in the post, award amounts will generally vary based on (1) scholarship availability in your area, and (2) your local RMHC scholarship budgets. Most participating RMHC chapters award minimum awards of $1,000, and some can award $20,000 or more. Try searching for "[local city] Ronald McDonald's House Charity scholarships" to get information about what award opportunities are available in your area. Want to build the best possible college application and financial aid package? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. When Do You Find Out Whether You've Been Selected? You'll likely receive news of your award between April and June. Scholarship winners will be notified in writing or via email by their local RMHC chapter. How Can You Use McDonald's Scholarship Money? First, you'll only be awarded your scholarship money if you're enrolled as a full-time undergraduate at an accredited school. You have to stay in school continuously during the academic year, unless an interruption is approved by your scholarship sponsor. Checks will be made out directly to your school, although this may vary by RMHC chapter. Funds can be applied to tuition, fees, books, and supplies. Money applied to room board charges may be taxed. Avoid tax charges if you can help it! See if you can apply scholarship funds to tuition and fees before using them to pay for room board. Strategies: How to Increase Your Chances of Winning a McDonald's Scholarship The following tips will help you submit your strongest application for any McDonald's scholarship you choose to apply to. The more time you give yourself to implement these strategies, the more successful you'll be! Research Your Local Ronald McDonald House Charity One of the first things you should do is check on what scholarship opportunities are actually available to you through your local RMHC. Your local RMHC may participate in the scholarships described earlier; if they do, you should be able to get more information about availability, deadlines, scholarship award amounts, and applications by contacting that RMHC. Try Googlingâ€Å"[your local area/city] Ronald McDonald House Charity scholarship† for more information. You can also check on availability for the above scholarships by following the appropriate link on this page. If your local RMHC does not offer the scholarships listed above, they may offer other awards, much like the RMHC of Eastern New England that I mentioned earlier. Because all these local scholarships will have different deadlines, requirements, award amounts, etc., it’s best to research these scholarships as early as possible. Again, the best way to do this is research and/or get in contact with your local RMHC. Choose the People Writing Your Letter(s) of Recommendation Wisely Your letter writer should ideally be a teacher, coach, or mentor that you have a long-standing, positive, personal relationship with. If your letter writer doesn’t provide a strong and well-written letter vouching for your abilities and commitment to education, chances are your application won’t be given much thought. To confirm that you’re selecting the right person as your letter writer, ask them if they feel comfortable writing you a very strong or glowing recommendation. If they’re not comfortable, they should have the opportunity to decline so that you can choose someone who’s better able to vouch for you. Try to give your letter writers 10-12 weeks of advance notice before your application is due. Take Your Personal Statement Seriously You’ll have up to 1,000 words to discuss your education and career goals, as well as individual qualities and strengths. Be concise and clear, and maintain a positive tone. To brainstorm for your personal statement, think about how you would respond to the following questions: What are your academic interests? How did you develop these interests? How does your educational plan align with your academic interests and strengths? How will your educational plan help you to fulfill your long-term career goals? Do you plan on becoming a leader in your field or career? How? How will this McDonald’s scholarship money enable you to pursue your education, and by extension, your long-term goals? If there are any special circumstances or hardships you’ve experienced in your life, make sure to mention them briefly in your personal statement. If they’ve affected your past grades or performance in any way, explain how (don’t make excuses, but be matter-of-fact about how events have affected you). Have a trusted teacher, mentor, advisor, and/or friend edit and proofread your work. Check for spelling, formatting, and grammatical errors before submitting your essay. If You're a Younger High School Student ... Focus on your academic performance. The minimum GPA for scholarship eligibility is 2.7, but you’ll be able to present yourself as a more competitive applicant if you have a higher GPA. If you’re a freshman, sophomore, or junior, you can increase your chances of receiving this scholarship (and other scholarships) by doing extra credit, seeing teachers for extra help, etc. For the NationalRMHC/HACER scholarship in particular, academic performance seems to be a very important evaluation criterion. Two winners for the 2015-2016 academic year are attending Harvard, one is attending Stanford, and one is attending UPenn. Seek out community service activities. Many scholarships award funds to students who demonstrate an investment in their communities. (e.g. the scholarships for minority students described above). You can demonstrate this commitment by participating in volunteer activities, particularly through your school or church. Some example activities include tutoring underprivileged students, joining a cultural club, or volunteering at a homeless shelter. Think about what aspects of your community are most important to you when considering service activities. Demonstrate how involved you've been in community service by updating your resume to include all relevant activities. If community service has shaped your interests or goals, discuss this influence in your personal statement. What's Next? McDonald's scholarships aren't the only scholarships out there for ambitious high school students. Read more about the Walmart Scholarship and National Merit Scholarship. Looking for other ways to pay your college education? You'll want to check out our guide to the Pell Grant. Did you know that sometimes getting a scholarship is as easy as applying to your school of choice? Check out this list of schools that automatically offer scholarships based on grades and test scores. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Sustainable operations,research paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Sustainable operations, - Research Paper Example Carrefour is a multi-format, multi-channel and multi-local group comprising of approximately 9,994 stores which operates in thirty three different countries in the world. Stores operate in a range formats and channels namely, hypermarkets, supermarkets, convenience stores, cash and carry stores for professionals and hypercash stores which are specifically designed to address the requirements of different consumer segments. Some stores are designed by vertically integrating the stages in the value chain example, Hypercash stores combines the benefits of Cash and carry stores (wholesale) and convenience of hypermarkets (retail). Creating specific investment between stages of the value chain helps firms to internally exploit their pool of knowledge and capacities, and to guarantee quality of inputs and services employed (DÃ ­ez N.p). Carrefour has launched specific sustainability oriented programs to the stakeholders in different stages of its value chain. Sustainable development for the business enterprise can be defined as adopting business strategies and activities that meet the needs of the enterprise and its stakeholders while protecting, sustaining and enhancing the human and natural resources that will be needed in the future. This definition suggests that business growth must meet the needs of its shareholders; lenders, customers, employees, suppliers and communities who are affected by the organization’s activities which must not irreparably degrade or destroy the natural and human resource bases in its venture for raising physical and financial capital. Carrefour adopts a sustainable development self-assessment tool for the suppliers which is a detailed self-evaluation framework designed in conjunction with the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME), accessible to suppliers online, including forty nine self assessment criteria based on four central pillars: sustainable development management

Automotive production levels Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Automotive production levels - Research Paper Example Details Quarter ending 31st August 2012 Quarter ending 31st August 2011 1 Production levels 9.026 million Units 8.385 million Units 2 Inventory levels $ 14.32 billions $ 12.13 billions 3 Operational costs $ 144.62 billions $ 130.50 million 4 Sales $ 150.30 billions $ 135.40 billions 5 Price $ 16,650.00 $ 16,150.00 1. Demand -supply analysis Price $ 5,000 $ 10,000 $ 15,000 $ 20,000 Units sold 15,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 The above table shows different units that customers are wishing to buy at different prices. Given a price of $5,000, customers are willing to purchase 15,000 units, and this number reduces to 8,000 units given a price of $ 20,000. Graphical representation Price 20,000 f a? g ?e 15,000 ? Equilibrium point (e0) 10,000 h ? ? 5,000 c ? ?b j k 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 Quantity demanded The above graph slants downwards from left to right. Notably, as price reduces, quantity of automobiles demanded increases and it turns the vice versa when the price increases. 2. Equilib rium price and quantity The point (e0) gives the equilibrium price of $ 12,250 and quantity $ 12,000 units. This point represents the favorable price that the buyers are willing to pay for a certain car model they buy from the company. Any point above the equilibrium price represents a higher price with corresponding lower quantities of automobiles sold. On the other hand, any point below the equilibrium point represents a lower price at which the buyers would buy more of automobiles. According to the data collected for General Motors, the above graph shows that the company is selling at high prices, which results to reduced quantity demanded. The company is offering its automobiles at an average price of $ 16,550, whereby 9.026 million units are sold. To maximize the number of units sold, the management should consider lowering the price in response to the market forces of demand and supply, up to $ 12,250 in order to achieve equilibrium. At this point, the quantity demanded will i ncrease by 2.974 million units. This action will make General Motors automobiles cheaper than those of the competitors, thereby increasing their demand. Interestingly, the demand will continue to grow and will eventually lead to increased production that will enable the company to enjoy increased economies of scale from the suppliers of raw materials (Arribas et al., 2009). Since General Motors is a global company, the increased demand will cause internal advantages to the firm, as well as result to the establishment of additional subsidiaries across the globe. 3. Price Elasticity of Demand Price elasticity of demand refers to change in quantity demanded as a result of significant change in price. To derive price elasticity of demand, the following formula is used: Price elasticity of demand = (Q1-Q2)/ (Q1+Q2) (P1-P2)/ (P1+P2) The demand is said to be elastic if the price elasticity is greater than 1. This implies that the quantity demanded changes faster than the price. On the othe r hand, if the price elasticity of demand is lesser than one, the price elasticity is said to be inelastic implying that the quantity demanded changes slower than the price. Lastly, if price elasticity arrived at is equal to one, then this is referred to unitary condition, which shows that quantity demanded and price changes at the same rate (Freeman, 1977). Computation of price elasticity of demand for GM P1- $ 12,250 P2- $ 16,650 Q1- $ 12,000 Q2- $ 9,026 Therefore, Price elasticity

Friday, October 18, 2019

Refund Anticipation Loans Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Refund Anticipation Loans - Research Paper Example In spite of the high fees associated with RAL’s, most of those coming from the poor families are the ones who usually apply for it. There is an on-going battle between the government, the consumer advocates and tax preparation companies on the continued offering of Refund Anticipation Loans. A refund anticipation loan is a type of short-term loan that is applied by a taxpayer, who wants an early claim on his tax refund. The amount that is acquired through the loan will be repaid by the taxpayer’s anticipated tax refund. It may also be called â€Å"Rapid Refund† or â€Å"Instant Money.† A contract is provided by the financial institution to be signed by the taxpayer that serves as an assurance that the loan will be paid back through the taxpayer’s tax refund (â€Å"Refund Anticipation Loan Fraud†). Common interest rates for RAL’s start from 50% up to over 500%, the basis of which is the length of the time that is needed to process tax forms at the Internal Revenue Services (IRS), that is According to the Center for Responsible Lending. Although this type of loan has been claimed as a way for taxpayers to have their tax refunds earlier in their pockets, more often than not it is advanced only for just a few days or less as compared to the actual date that the IRS releases the tax refund (â€Å"Tax Refund Resources for Consumers†). RAL’s give taxpayers the opportunity to get their tax refund at a sooner date and be able to use the money earlier rather than wait for a couple more days. Even so, problems occur when someone opts to use a refund anticipation loan. Basically the lender knows that the money borrowed will be paid no matter what since the guarantee is the taxpayer’s tax refund; therefore, it is considered as a safer type of loan compared to the other types, but then risking everything just to get the money sooner seems to not sound good at all (Pritchard).

Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Young People Essay

Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Young People - Essay Example Many agencies have taken a stand on teen sexual activity teaching abstinence or protection, but the American Social Health Association (ASHA) is a leader in the understanding and prevention of the transmission of STIs in sexually active individuals, especially young people. Not only can information be found on their website, but can also be found at their teen oriented site, These sites and this agency are bound to the education and prevention of the spread of STIs in the United States and in concert with other non-profit and governmental agencies. ASHA has been working as a non-profit public health agency since 1914. Initially named the American Social Hygiene Association, its first main focus was to prevent the spread of venereal disease in military soldiers fighting in World War I. In the 1920s, John D. Rockefeller, Jr. helped to fund the ASHA mission, and a special fund was used to create the Committee for Research in Syphilis (ASHA, 2009). In the 1930's, 36 states have created local affiliations with ASHA, and help to change the view of venereal diseases from a moral to medical issue (ASHA, 2009). A major milestone occurred in 1947 when the International Union of Venereal Diseases and Treponematoses names ASHA as its American liaison to the United Nations. Even as early as 1956, ASHA took an interest in the growing number of teenagers being infected with the diseases. In the years leading to today, ASHA has not sat back quietly, but has been the rallying force for many studies, prevention training for medical professional s and educational professionals. In essence, ASHA has remained at the forefront with helping those who have questions through hotlines, community centers, and now even the internet (ASHA, 2009). Mission and Vision of ASHA The mission of ASHA has never changed in all the years it has been working for public sexual health. The three person executive staff along with the board of directors ensures the ASHA remains focused on education in and prevention of STIs. The association has four main visions that they work on constantly. The first is the public awareness that is focused on educating, preventing, and the destigmatization of STIs. The second focus is the "patient education and support" which educates patients in aspects of their infections and how to deal with doctors and partners. The third vision health care policies working as advocates for the research and prevention of STIs. The last part of the vision focuses on provider training in the areas of prevention and treatment of STIs (ASHA, 2009). Who Benefits the Most ASHA benefits all that are looking for help or answers to questions. However, the association has taken a strong interest in the youth in relation to the contraction of STIs and how the numbers are growing and have been for the past 40 plus years. Because of this, ASHA has created the website to make finding answers easy and anonymously by the teens that truly need the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Dakota men and the Pictographic Style Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Dakota men and the Pictographic Style - Essay Example Dakota men had painted in what is called the pictographic style for centuries, usually to record tribal histories and personal exploits. The arrangement of these points was usually according to one of a few traditional designs, one of the most popular being the Tahokmu or spider-web design. The Museum’s collection of over 6000 objects consists of paintings, drawings, prints, photographs, textiles, sculptures, and Native American artifacts and art. The objects are a cultural reflection of the work of local, national, and international artists. The emphasis however, is on the work of artists from South Dakota and the surrounding region. Dakota men had painted in what is called the pictographic style for centuries, usually to record tribal histories and personal exploits. Howe learned that Dakota artists frequently contemplated the painting surface, often for days, until and arrangement of â€Å"aesthetic points† appeared, the intersections for all lines subsequently drawn or painted in making the picture. The arrangement of these points was usually according to one of a few traditional designs, one of the most popular being the Tahokmu or spider-web design. (South Dakota Art Museum. Oscar Howe. Oscar Howe Biography. South Dakota State University).

Relevance of Clinical Care in Nursing Research Paper

Relevance of Clinical Care in Nursing - Research Paper Example The basic idea is to get involved in community services without expecting any reward. The idea is to serve the community and people by taking care of their needs. Extracurricular activities include taking time out of the normal routine and devoting much of time in community services to learn ways of serving others in a compassionate manner. This also requires leadership attributes as dealing with people and serving them comes under little guidance and individuals needs to decide the mode of interaction, behaviour and mannerism often requiring a participating and compassionate approach. Moreover, students are guided by people having prior experience in serving the community and thus there is ample scope to learn from the leaders to become leaders. The most significant experience can be of realising the fact that serving others offers great happiness that is unmatchable. The very idea of bringing smiles over the faces of others can be considered as the most significant experience and a chievement. Achievements show dedication and reward but in my case; being compassionate and dedicated reaped all achievements along with offering rewards in the form of priceless smiles and gratitude. I personally believe that nothing can beat this particular experience in terms of contentment. At times, serving the community exposes oneself to learn and the elements of risk are quite negligible. From an early age, I was fascinated to see doctors and their approach while serving others by curing them and bringing smiles on their faces. This created a profound impression over my mind along with making me think that serving the community and people is the real bliss. As a community care extender, my role will be to act as a volunteer in any hospital. This will help me in learning the intricacies of people and service management. With the primary goal of becoming a nurse, the role of community care extender will help in having a profound idea over how things are managed in hospital and how patients are managed and cared. As an intern, I will be receiving training in patient care that will be further utilised in my professional career. Overall, it can be said that the role of clinical care extender will assist me in meeting my career goals along with offering me a chance to evaluate my skills and attributes in a clear and precise manner. The core value of an internship is to follow the goals and objectives of the organisation along with devoting oneself in a selfless manner. The prime objective is to take care of patients along with learning new things by being active and zealous. At the same time, it is important to be honest, transparent and ethical in approach while initiating and completing tasks and responsibilities. Being an intern, it is very much evident that one has to assist the organisation in accomplishing its goals and objectives. In hospitals, it is important to have a compassionate and ethical approach in order to serve people and their needs. If I get selected as an intern, I will be ethical and honest in my approach. In last few years, I have learnt that ethics, honesty and transparency show the character of an individual and speak on his behalf. I will carry forward with this mindset along with embracing the legacy and objectives of the organisation to empower myself as a human being.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Dakota men and the Pictographic Style Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Dakota men and the Pictographic Style - Essay Example Dakota men had painted in what is called the pictographic style for centuries, usually to record tribal histories and personal exploits. The arrangement of these points was usually according to one of a few traditional designs, one of the most popular being the Tahokmu or spider-web design. The Museum’s collection of over 6000 objects consists of paintings, drawings, prints, photographs, textiles, sculptures, and Native American artifacts and art. The objects are a cultural reflection of the work of local, national, and international artists. The emphasis however, is on the work of artists from South Dakota and the surrounding region. Dakota men had painted in what is called the pictographic style for centuries, usually to record tribal histories and personal exploits. Howe learned that Dakota artists frequently contemplated the painting surface, often for days, until and arrangement of â€Å"aesthetic points† appeared, the intersections for all lines subsequently drawn or painted in making the picture. The arrangement of these points was usually according to one of a few traditional designs, one of the most popular being the Tahokmu or spider-web design. (South Dakota Art Museum. Oscar Howe. Oscar Howe Biography. South Dakota State University).

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Criminal Law 2000 word assessment - part 2 Essay

Criminal Law 2000 word assessment - part 2 - Essay Example Kirk says that he tried to sound the car horn so that they would all jump out the way but that the horn failed to work. Advise Kirk in relation to charges of s18 Offences Against the Person Act 1861, with s20 in the alternative. Advise Sally in relation to s20 Offences Against the Person Act 1861 with s47 in the alternative. Do not discuss any other offences. Under the Offences Against the Person Act 1861 assaults are determined by reference to sections 46, 18 and section 20. Prosecutors will assess the level of the charge in accordance with the seriousness of the injuries of the victim as well as the intention of the defendant. The lowest of the charges for assault covered by the OAPA 1861 is a s47 assault. This will be charged in circumstances where the victim sustains actual bodily harm1. Section 47 defines actual bodily harm as any hurt that has been calculated to affect the health or comfort of the victim. Under this heading, there is no requirement for the hurt to be permanent but it has to be more than transient and trifling2. Offences charged under this section are classified as either way offences, which means that the matter can be tried in the Magistrates court or the crown court. The decision for the matter to be referred to the crown court is usually based on whether the prosecution determines that the sentencing powers of t he Magistrates would be inadequate. Cases where a s47 have been charged include incidents where the victim has lost or broken a tooth, has suffered a temporary loss of sensory functions which could include losing consciousness3, has received a broken nose or extensive or multiple bruising. A s47 charge might also be brought for minor fractures and cuts as well as psychiatric injury4. Proof is established applying the test of recklessness5. A higher degree of injury could result in the accused being charged with a s20 assault6. Section 20