Saturday, August 31, 2019
Peer Violence Essay
Peer violence/abuse is something that takes place in the everyday life of some people and their families. Peer violence/abuse is when a person undergoes improper or unfair physical or verbal maltreatment, injury, sexual assault, violation, unjust practices, wrongful practice or custom, offense, and crime. There are many different types of peer violence such as verbal, physical, cyber bullying, and social alienation. As you continue to read you will better understand the effect, consequences (in school and out of school), and examples of peer violence. Youth violence has played a big part of everyday life for some; youth violence includes bullying, punching, slapping, verbal abuse and using weapons, towards another. These violent acts are a disruption to people’s lively-hoods and to the learning process. The most serious effect that youth violence has on people is death and injury; most students are victims of homicides in the schools and suicides at home. Most of these deaths occur before, after, or during lunchtime. Other victims can be examples of nonfatal injuries like cuts, broken bones, bruises and even gunshot wounds. Some can even have a long-term effect on a person emotionally/mentally, a person can suffer depression, fear other people, anxiety and even post-traumatic stress which does not just effect the person but it also effects the persons immediate family and close friends. Peer violence can affect the way a child lives and their lives, they will feel shame for being a victim and won’t tell anybody what’s going on and could be afraid that the problem might escalate if they do tell a trusted adult. In recent news, in Southern Las Vegas two brothers were sentenced to jail and correctional facilities for the bullying of a disabled boy who attended their school. The boys had one of their friends record the attacking of the boy and posted it on YouTube. One of the boys was sentenced to 12 months of probation and 40 hours of community service while the other was sentenced to serve time at Spring Mountain Youth Camp with supervision until released. Consequences are one of the things many people do not think about before they began bullying each other or began attacking one another. In most schools a punishment is 3 to 6 days of suspension and even a court date with the victim. In Las Vegas depending on your age you can get anything from probation to 30 days in a juvenile correction center or a correctional center such as boy’s town or Spring Mountain Youth Camp.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Changing pattern of agriculture in Bangladesh Essay
Change in the contribution of GDP The major change in the agricultural field is the contribution in the National GDP which is decreasing year by year. Like the GDP Growth rate of the agriculture sector is descending. Financial Year Contribution of Agriculture 1991-92 28. 70 1992-93 28. 21 1993-94 27. 30 1994-95 26. 02 1995-96 25. 68 1996-97 25. 87 1997-98 25. 34 1998-99 25. 28 1999-00 25. 58 2000-01 25. 02 2001-02 23. 98 2002-03 23. 47 2003-04 23. 08 2004-05* 21. 91 Fig 1: Contribution of Agriculture in GDP Contribution of Sub sector in GDP. As agriculture is consist of all the sub-sectors which are – crops, forestry, livestock and the fisheries. Like the total amount, percentage of the sub- sectors is also declining for contributing in the GDP. In Percent FY 95-96 96-97 97-98 98-99 99-2000 2000-01 01-02 02-03 03-04 04-05 05-06 Sub-Sectors CROP 15. 03 15. 21 14. 59 14. 33 14. 59 14. 70 13. 75 13. 43 13. 23 12. 51 12. 19 Live Stock 3. 36 3. 27 3. 19 3. 12 3. 02 2. 95 2. 96 2. 93 2. 91 2. 95 2. 93 Forestry 1. 93 1. 91 1. 89 1. 90 1. 88 1. 87 1. 88 1. 86 1. 83 1. 82 1. 79 Fisheries 5. 36 5. 48 5. 67 5. 93 6. 09 5. 51 5. 40 5. 25 5. 11 5. 00 4. 86 Use of chemical Fertilizer. The use of fertilizer has been increasing for agricultural production. In the FY 1994-95 the total quantity of fertilizer use was 26. 41 lakh metric tons which increased to 37. 55 lakh metric tons in the FY 2004-05. The use of Urea fertilizer alone was 17. 48 lakh metric tons in FY 1994-95 which increased to 25. 23 lakh metric ton in FY 2004-05. The percentage increase in Urea use in FY 2004-05 is 59. 78% i. e. 9. 44 lakh metric to compared to that of FY 1993-94. This is attainable to increase the irrigated areas and diversified use of Urea. On the other hand the use of phosphates Fertilizer such as TSP, DAP and SSP increased by 42. 16 percent in FY 2004-05 compared to that of 1994-95. Since 1995-96 Urea super/ mega granules are being manufactured and marketed through private sector. This has resulted in reduction of the Urea saving of 30to 35% of Urea and increase in yield together with creation of employment opportunity in the rural areas. The number of machines for manufacturing Urea super granules has gradually increased since 1996-97. Super/ mega granules are also being used in other Rabi Crops. Besides use of different types of mixed fertilizer is being encouraged for balanced use of fertilizer. TSP complex in Chittagong has started production and marketing of NPKS fertilizer on experimental basis. Some factors in the private sector have started production and marketing NPKS. Import of NPKS is also being encouraged under private sector. mport of DAP, TSP,NPKS and potash with more nutrient contents instead of low nutrient content SSP fertilizer is being encouraged and farmers are also being motivated to use such fertilizer, steps are being taken to enforce fertilizer marketing of low quality fertilizer, steps are being taken to enforce Fertilizer Control Order, 1999. Post- landing inspection has been strengthened in the case of imported fertilizer in the private sector. Besides manuals for fertilizer inspection and fertilizer analysis have also been prepared. In Bangladesh chemical fertilizer has been used for a long time. The census of use of fertilizer in Bangladesh of different years are given in the next page- Use of Chemical Fertilizer Type 93-94 94-95 95-96 96-97 97-98 98-99 99-2000 2000-01 01-02 02-03 03-04 04-05 Urea 1579. 0 1748. 5 2045. 5 2141. 0 1867. 0 1902. 0 2151. 0 2121. 0 2247. 42 2239. 0 2324. 08 2523. 39 TSP 234. 2 122. 9 111. 1 72. 6 62. 4 170. 2 259. 3 399. 5 425. 31 405. 0 361. 0 420. 02 DAP 28. 7 1. 8 0 0 6. 8 38. 6 109. 2 90. 1 127. 03 112. 0 90. 0 140. 72 MP 103. 9 154. 2 155. 9 219. 3 193. 5 210. 8 239. 5 139. 8 222. 26 250. 0 240. 0 260. 38 SSP 170. 6 533. 5 596. 9 525. 3 473. 3 362. 4 237. 2 138. 6 127. 13 130. 0 148. 0 170. 93 NPKS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10. 2 12. 87 30. 0 45. 0 90. 0 AS 10. 0 2. 5 8. 7 11. 7 9. 7 12. 4 26. 0 13. 0 20. 19 10. 0 9. 0 5. 59 Zinc 5. 2 0 1. 0 1. 2 0. 7 0. 3 1. 2 3. 0 0. 24 2. 0 7. 0 8. 0 Gypsum 86. 1 77. 2 103. 6 86. 6 113. 4 128. 2 189. 4 102. 3 96. 05 120. 0 140. 0 135. 70 Others 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Change in Agri-Financing During the two decades the system of agri financing has changed hugely. Now a day a huge part of agri finance came from the government Bank and other banks. There are a number of NGO to help the farmers with short term loan. Khudra Rin Prokolpo of Grameen Bank plays a very important role in changing this financing system. Before most of the agri finance was came from the Rich villagers who are generally known as Jamindars. But that loan was not enough helpful. Because the farmers have to pay a huge amount of money as interest of that loan and by giving back that loan and interest the farmers again reached at the point of taking loan again. Financial Years Target Disbursement Recovery Balance 1992-93 1474. 41 841. 85 869. 23 5692. 84 1993-94 1643. 08/ 1100. 79 979. 12 6222. 00 1994-95 2161. 72 1605. 44 1124. 11 7045. 22 1995-96 2434. 27 1635. 81 1340. 02 7769. 07 1996-97 2394. 22 1672. 43 1646. 38 8256. 00 1997-98 2525. 83 1814. 53 1779. 29 8515. 04 1998-99 3270. 01 3245. 36 2039. 65 9702. 51 1999-2000 3331. 00 2851. 29 2996. 29 10648. 90 2001-02 3265. 92 3019. 67 2877. 87 11137. 26 2002-03 3560. 53 3278. 37 3516. 31 11913. 35 2003-04 4388. 94 4048. 41 3135. 32 12705. 95 2004-05 5537. 91 4956. 78 3171. 15 14408. 94 Change in Employment Generation The economy of Bangladesh is based on agriculture, natural gas, and small industries of jute, textiles, garments, tea, cement, chemical fertilizers, sugar and light engineering. The contribution of agriculture to the country’s GDP is about 23 percent while crops account for 13 percent. Agriculture employs 64 percent of labor force in the country. Agriculture is also the largest employer of women. In 1995-96, 79 percent of the total number of employed women (15 years or older) worked in agriculture. Rice and other cereals occupies nearly 80 percent of total crop land giving a production of food grains of more than 26 million tons in 2001 from a net cropped area of more than 10 million hectares. Agricultural products account for about 25% of total export value. Bangladesh has the largest number of NGO activities in the world. There are more then 2000 NGOs operating in Bangladesh, many of them are associated with agricultural mechanization and food processing. The NGOs are promoting agribusiness in providing technical backup, micro credit and managerial skill. Some other NGOs are also initiating post harvest and food processing programs for rural women. The rate of population growth has brought down to 1. 48 percent; the supply of labor force continues to increase at over 3 percent per annum without further access to land for agriculture. Agriculture is presently and will remain the largest employer of labor in years to come. The national aim would be to increase GDP growth to more than 7 percent (presently 5. 33 percent) on average during the next decades.
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Shopping Online Essay
Who does not like to shop? Most of the people likes to shop but some people are so lazy that they don’t even have time for shopping. The good news is that, now it is possible to shop from your home, whenever you want, just by clicking on the internet. Life never has been so much easier! Recently shopping online has become very popular because of the vast availability of internet and online banking. Millions of products are sold all over the world through online. Because it’s numerous benefit, nowadays many people prefer to shop online, even though you have to be carefull, shopping online has got many disadvantages as well. Jacob, my little brother is planning to buy some games by the internet, while my father tells him all the advantages and disadvantages of shopping online. When you buy online, some of the advantages are that you save time – Do you have the specific list that you want to buy? With just a couple of clicks of the mouse, you can purchase your shopping orders and instantly move to other important things, which can save time. You can also save fuel and energy, one of the advantages of shopping online is that there is no need for vehicles, so no purchase of fuel necessary. Admit it, it is tiresome to shop from one location and transfer to another location. What is worse is that there are no available stocks for the merchandise you want to buy. In online shopping, you do not need to waste your energy when buying. The advanced innovation of search engine allows you to easily check prices and compare with just a few clicks. It is very straightforward to conduct price comparisons from one online shopping website to another. This gives you the freedom to determine which online store offers the most affordable item you are going to buy. Before buying online, you must be sure to put all your personal information and correct address. Besides that, Online shopping stores are open round the clock of 24/7, 7 and 365 days. The availability of online stores give you the freedom to shop at your own pace and convenience. When buying items online, there are no long lines you have to endure, just to buy your merchandise. Every online store is designed with unique individual ordering features to purchase the item. Read more: Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Shopping
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Academic Writing Skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Academic Writing Skills - Essay Example Albeit, what are these skills and how to use them correctly? The question is under discussion of this essay. Academic writing considers being an outcome of a process containing investigation on some topic together with a diligent deliberation on it. The principal purpose of this process is to demonstrate the standpoint on a given theme that readers will admit credible and well-done. The task of writer is to research the theme which is reinforced by some objective confirmations and logical evidences (Chin, Reid, Wray and Yamasaki, 2013). All facts which writer use are to be supported by scientific researches or other authentic sources. First and foremost writer should master reading and researching skills. Any research starts with the literature outlook and scientific work diagnoses. As Chin, Reid, Wray and Yamasaki (2013) mention, writer gains better understanding of the topic through exploration complicated and intricate literature. A good example of academic writing goes through proper comprehension in the sphere of work. It is evident that if a writer is not competent in the material, one just does not know what to write. Moreover, an exploration literature should be veracious and solid. Some unknown or fictitious sources never make success in your occupation and never execute your paper felicitous. Leki (2008) argues that in is highly important for writer to exploit various sources for their opinion maintained. Besides, these bases should be critically analyzed. Competent writer never take some literature and simply retell it. Only through relevant filtration and pertinent selection of materials writer can achieve advancement in their cup of tea. Critical thinking is also a substantial factor which presupposes writer’s objective position and logical synopsis on the topic. One more important issue which is specified by Soles (2010) based on that fact that academic
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Animal Rights versus Animal Welfare Research Paper
Animal Rights versus Animal Welfare - Research Paper Example This research will begin with the statement that animals are part of the environment and should be protected from the changes that human activities have caused on the environment. Animal protection can be done through animal rights and animal welfare. Animal rights refer to the concept of considering the interest of animals at the same level of concern as considering human interests. Animal welfare ensures that the physical and psychological health of the animals is observed. The terms used in animal protection show human concern over nature. Animals should be protected from suffering and unethical treatment. Animal rights reject the use of animals while animal welfare groups allow animal use but humane treatment should be accorded to them. When human and animal rights conflict, animal rights activist prioritize the rights of animals, while animal welfare activists prioritize human life. Animal welfare promotes controlled use of animals for agricultural purposes such as farming an d protein production while animal rights activists avoid the use of animal products. The similarity between both groups is that the wellbeing of animals is promoted. Cases of abuse, negligence, and abandonment of animals are prevented through this group. Endangered animals are also protected by both groups. Both groups of activists ensure that the relationship between animals and humans is mutually beneficial. Man obtains food from the animals in return the animals are protected from disease and danger.Â
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Usability Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Usability Evaluation - Essay Example Instructions should be provided before answering the survey. The respondents should know the objective in conducting the survey. Moreover, creating an online questionnaire is professional. Therefore, the respondents should take questions more seriously if it is presented in a more professional manner. To create online survey, it is also very important that each question have to be evaluated in gathering the information that is required and to lead the wording response option so that the goal in conducting the survey is achieved (Sue & Ritter, 2007). Assess the reliability of the collected data and include the survey report. It is important to assess critically the current methods that help to find the best quality of data collected except in exceptional situations. The adequate degree of reliability is attained when the scores are represented correctly in a constructive and quality manner using investigations that significantly shows the validity of that data. Validity of the col lected data is mostly examined using investigated sources and the systematic variations that are observed regularly. There are two broad criteria that data quality can be identified. The responses from the sources must be meaningful. This means that, the researchers collecting data should reflect something other than a random checking of alternatives. This implies that the responses should reflect on a true assessment of particular behavior such as frequency of purchase and true assessment of some personal characteristic.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Theism in a Postmodern World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Theism in a Postmodern World - Essay Example One, religion in ancient times was in very close relation with the secular government. For example, the pharaohs in Egypt as well as the Emperors in Rome, represented deities that had to be worshiped. They also represented high priests and performed or played a part many religious customs. The Christians' refusal to except the divine nature of the roman emperor seemed as a direct opposition to the emperor's political power, and this reason prompted the Caesars to persecute the Christian faith. The second reason is the teaching of equality and the nature of the afterlife presented through evangelism. The belief that the one omnipotent God will comfort the weak and the poor and will punish the rich and merciless aristocracy represented a social idea that quickly spread through the majority of the disenfranchised population. This was seen as a possible threat to the political power of the roman emperor and aristocracy. By the beginning of the forth century, Christianity became a widespread religion in the Roman world. This forced the roman emperor Constantine to proclaim that Christianity is a free and equal religion. Constantine himself also was baptised and became a Christian. As the empire was divided, so was the influence of the church. In the West, as the political power of the Emperor diminished, the church and the Bishop of Rome, gained larger political and cultural roles in the West Roman Empire. In the East, there was an enormous influence of the church in political matter, but nevertheless, the main secular power remained in the hands of Constantinople's rulers. During the middle Ages, the influence of the Church in state matters and in culture during the period is self-evident. Despite the Great Schism in 1054, when the church was divided in Western Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox, both churches retained enormous political influence. The Pope anointed Christian secular rulers in Europe, and the anointment itself presented the ruler's of Europe as rulers chosen by God himself. It also had an influence over the European continent as a whole, being the main progenitor of the Crusades, as a result of the Turkish conquests in the Middle East. As stated previously, the church and generally Christianity had a major influence on the way of life and culture in the middle ages. Paintings and other art works were exclusively of religious nature. Most literature works were connected with doctrinal law, including the writings of St. Augustine and St. Thomas of Acquitane. Another important fact that has to be mentioned is the fact that secular laws were in close connection with canonical laws. This provided the church with means to influence the lives of everyday citizens of the European kingdoms. Practicing prostitution, homosexuality or even expressing certain scientific ideas that were opposed to the church's beliefs were punished. Most notably, the existence of the Inquisition and the witch-hunts that were performed by this church institution expressed the influence the church had over the live of ordinary people. During
Sunday, August 25, 2019
System Analysis and Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
System Analysis and Design - Essay Example Failure to display them could result to a loss of customers to her immediate competitors thus resulting to the loss of a chance to increase her sales or it may also make the customers unable to deduce whether she may be selling the product that they need. In order to solve this issue within a minimal space that her store has she makes use of a limited storage space within the back of her store to stock a few extra product quantities so as to dodge running out of stock. This may be said to call for her employees’ help in restocking shelves often when need arises. Carol may also be said to have suppliers who make deliveries within a particular time scheduled by her and them; they may be said to be her store’s only opportunities to obtain supplies; thus there might be a need for a timely order of products. All these, in our view, could be extremely tedious and costly since she might often be forced to employ workers to help in the arrangement of goods within the display sh elves. The key objective of this project may be to implement an effective DBMS, which would enable Carol: To keep an accurate product inventory, whether on display or within the store room; To alert Caro or her employees in case there might be need for a restock of the display shelves with goods from the store room, then later updating the inventory with the restocked amount; To making a preparatory timely placement order from every supplier; Business benefits and recommendation The primary business benefit that needs to be enjoyed from the use of the new system is for Carol’s store to maintain its level of competitiveness within the market at low costs. Other intermediate benefits may include: Improved record keeping Cut down on the errors brought about by the manual order processing Reduce the levels of staffing within phone-order and mail-order processing Cause increment of turnover through the tracking of popular items’ sales as well as slow movers. Efficient movem ent of products from the store to the display shelves thus resulting to more sales due to the consumer awareness created. Timely delivery of goods from suppliers, which would in turn result to an efficient flow of goods to consumers thus cutting down on deficits The creation of new channels of marketing as a result of efficient display and timely supply; After the review of the planning process, it could be recommended that the system be implemented. This could be because the cost incurred in its development may not exceed the advantages enjoyed by the store together with the community at large immediately the employee training process and the installation process are complete. This may be because it can be considered cost effective yet advantageous. System capabilities An extremely new and fresh Database Management System would be implemented, installed and further maintained. In order to ensure that the business benefits are obtained: This database would be sure to make a provisio n that may track as well as update information on inventory when products ought to be delivered, moved to the display shelves from the store room, sold or even entirely removed from the inventory. The database would also be able to make a provision of information about the products stocked within the store every time new supplies are made. This may, therefore, provide Carol with a perfect opportunity to make timely orders, effective displays as well as
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Lorem Ipsum Paper Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Lorem Ipsum Paper - Coursework Example Nulla ac arcu non augue congue pulvinar. Sed ut libero lacus, vel varius nisl. Phasellus sit amet tempus nunc. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris eu magna ipsum, quis vehicula ante. Nam blandit blandit arcu ut faucibus. Donec erat velit, vehicula vel fringilla at, pretium nec dui. Aenean velit mauris, fermentum vitae sagittis eu, elementum eu nisl. Pellentesque nisi velit, cursus non sollicitudin ut, euismod eu odio. Fusce ultrices lorem vel nibh volutpat ac pulvinar sem pretium. Aliquam scelerisque aliquet ipsum, vitae luctus turpis rutrum vel. Proin eu lectus velit, vitae aliquam elit. Etiam in massa quam. â€Å"The name ’Bluetooth’ reflects the Scandinavian origins of the technology1. It is named after a 10th century Danish viking, King Harald Blatand (translating as 'Bluetooth' in English). He united and controlled Denmark and Norway, hence the association of uniting devices through Bluetooth. Legend has i t that he liked eating blueberries - so much that his teeth became stained with the colour of the fruit, giving rise to his name!†(Stucken, 2010) Sed euismod, ipsum pretium congue fermentum, nibh est blandit lacus, a venenatis magna mi eget nibh. Mauris accumsan, dui vitae aliquet dapibus, enim dui vestibulum velit, vel rhoncus metus urna sed neque. Quisque rhoncus lorem at felis blandit vestibulum interdum erat pellentesque. Donec eget felis nisi, et feugiat turpis. Sed vitae velit sed augue lobortis consequat. Mauris at euismod dolor. Etiam condimentum ullamcorper faucibus. Vivamus viverra, metus sit amet porta pharetra, augue diam molestie erat, in euismod turpis lacus non enim. Mauris eget sapien orci. Praesent sit amet nibh dui. Phasellus non dignissim lectus. Fusce faucibus erat et mi varius rhoncus. Equation 1: Population mean 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi scelerisque, turpis sit amet rutrum porttitor, dui elit pulvinar augue, quis ve hicula eros massa non augue. Duis ac tellus at nulla consectetur viverra. Fusce vehicula mauris eget dolor molestie tincidunt. Duis sollicitudin sem vel dui malesuada facilisis. Suspendisse convallis auctor risus, eget mattis ipsum eleifend sit amet. Maecenas dictum dui at metus suscipit scelerisque. Donec sed est eu neque dictum gravida sed vitae tellus. Maecenas vitae nisl eget justo ultrices ornare. Vivamus lectus elit, ultrices in cursus in, malesuada ac tellus. Ut vel fermentum sem. Maecenas ullamcorper odio vitae justo consectetur tristique. The technology, named after a 1000 year old king of Denmark, is one of its kinds (Mitchell, 2012). Curabitur blandit, nunc eu ornare pulvinar, eros urna auctor nisl, nec ornare dui ipsum id tellus. Morbi lobortis congue diam at imperdiet. Phasellus tempus tincidunt justo id feugiat. Proin sit amet nisi lacus, vel facilisis turpis. In molestie sagittis ullamcorper. Donec at dui erat. Donec luctus interdum malesuada. Ut tincidunt sollicitudi n massa quis suscipit. Suspendisse quis augue eget mi aliquet ornare at vitae est. Mauris lobortis turpis pharetra metus commodo sed viverra neque facilisis. Curabitur lobortis dolor dui, sed semper nisl. Pellentesque condimentum quam et erat imperdiet ultricies blandit est rutrum. Ut pulvinar augue in velit pellentesque ornare at quis ligula. Curabitur vitae molestie lacus. Nunc interdum orci nec nulla tincidunt consectetur. Vivamus scelerisque accumsan quam, et suscipit mauris rutrum id. Proin malesuada, lacus nec
Friday, August 23, 2019
Outline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Outline - Essay Example A romance begins with flirtation, and is initiated by verbal contact. When the attracted individuals have initiated contact and decide to pursue the romance they get into a deeper relationship characterized by support and commitment, more personal communication, more expressions of affection like giving of tokens, enhancement of personal appearance, social involvement with the partner’s family and friends, sexual intimacy, and behavioral adaptation. The researcher is aware that such concepts are not easily measurable; hence, the information/data for this research would come from research literature and experiences shared by couples in romantic relationships. A set of questions related to the research questions posted shall be drawn up to be asked of the couples via questionnaires or interviews. A qualitative comparative analysis shall be done using the data gathered. III. Constructs: The following constructs are the base understanding of the researcher. It is one goal of this paper to gain more clarification of these constructs as culled from research and information from the interviews and questionnaires. Dating- the coming together of two people to spend time with one another for the purpose of getting to know each other and to gauge if a relationship might possibly develop from the time spent one-on-one with each other. Dating is part of romance. Romantic Relationship – A relationship involving two people attracted to each other and bonded by love, intimacy and commitment. Each partner does things for the other to make him or her more attracted and amorous to each other and to deepen the relationship further. Intimacy -This study will adopt Moss and Schwebel’s (1993) definition of intimacy: â€Å"Intimacy in enduring romantic relationships is determined by the level of commitment and positive affective, cognitive and physical closeness one
Thursday, August 22, 2019
The Bottled Water Company Comprehensive Master Budget Essay
The Bottled Water Company Comprehensive Master Budget - Essay Example We used 20 ounces to cover for production of one unit of the item. I believe that estimation is appropriate because it provides for a reasonable room for error. The budget also accounts for the cost labour used in the production of the new product. The costs vary with each quarter, depending on the number of sales we expect each quarter of the year. We have also considered other expenses such as delivery, the cost of administration sales commissions, accounting and other fixed costs in the budget. Our overall expenditure was significantly lesser than the amount of cash flow from the sales. We also expect a growing momentum for income the new products generates for the company as documented in the budget. I am certain these statistics will reflect positively on the company’s collective balance sheet. As far as the new product is concerned, I believe it will make good profits for the
Marketing Mix Essay Example for Free
Marketing Mix Essay â€Å"Marketing Mix†is a set of strategy marketing tools that a firm mingles and pursues its marketing objective in the target market. (Kotler and Armstrong, 2006, p.51) The main purpose of marketing is satisfies the needs of consumers. This concept was introduced by Harvard University Professor Neil Borden first adopted in 1964. (Neil Borden, 1964) It is the basis for the development of corporate marketing strategy in order to guarantee and satisfaction consumer needs and wants. In addition, it is also a trick for corporate against a strong competitor to rational allocation of corporate marketing budget costs and avoids the market failure. In the early 1950s, Professor McCarthy inference if a firm wants to develop marketing activities should be controlled factors grouped into four categories which are product, price, place and promotion. (McCarthy, 1960) The emergence of the marketing mix means that the concept of market operators to complete the transformation of old and new regulations read, the development of new ideas marketing concept. The marketing concept is the core of the target customers needs as the centre, the implementation of the marketing mix focusing on the overall market to obtain profits and achieve corporate marketing objectives. For example, the marketers will use the tools to adapt the consumer differ from that of a traditional and new technology product which is telegraph and Apple. The telegraph is a kind of communication services in the early 19th century invention, is the earliest use of electricity to communicate. The telegraph has greatly accelerated the flow of messages, is one of the important inventions of the industrial society. Early telegraph communications in the land, and later used the submarine cable to carry out long-distance service. To the early 20th century, began to use the radio sent telegram to the telegraph business basically have been able to reach most of the region on Earth. Telegraph is mainly used as a pass text messages. (Robert, 2012) Apples was established in 1976 by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, the core business is electronic technology products. The most famous product is the MacBook, iPod music player, iTunes Store, iPhone and the iPad Tablet PC. It is known for innovation in high-tech enterprise. When they introduced iphone4 and iPad, it is shook the entire world, because it delivers the latest advanced and progressive in the smart phone to the people. Coupled with the advances of the Internet, people can communicate with each other in the quickest and shortest possible time. (Shane, 2010, p.2) When the telegraph was invented was shook the world; Apple technology developed was also shook the world. However, two products were invented at different times, so the marketing mix will be also different. Marketing Mix Tools Product Product is anything that can be offered to the market/consumer in order to satisfy their needs and wants. The types of product divide into tangible (physical goods) and intangible (services). (Philip Kotler et al, 2005, p.34) The telegraph was provided service to send the message from place to place and the Apple Company was provided physical goods to consumer e.g. IPhone and MacBook. According the MarketingTeacher theory, the core level of the two products is same. The reasons that both products shocked the world are the great inventions and consumers really want to buy for communications. 19th century, the augmented product are limited because the technology is not so developed, the telegraph service will be hampered, such as, Malaysia sent a telegram to the British have to spend more on time. Moreover, this service is difficult to guarantee that service failure in the middle or cannot reach. (Marketingteacher, 2012) However, at that time, the telegraph is the most advanced ways of communication. The telegraph introduced was successful to meet the consumers expectations. The Telegraph can do is keep the research becomes more convenient such as e-mail developed. With the advancement of the Internet, using IPhone to send information may only need a few of seconds or minutes. Advanced technology has been sufficient to attract and influence customers to buy e.g. Internet-ready communications device complete with email, web browsing, maps, application and more Apple has been able to become the largest electronics company because the brand-strategy decision. According Kotler and Keller theory, a company has 4 choices when it comes to brand strategy. Apples continuous with line extension in recent years, such as the IPhone 3 development to the iPhone 4s. In addition, they also focus on brand extension e.g. IPod music player, MacBook, and IPad. (Kotler and Keller, 2011, p.260-261) Constant innovation will affect consumers become more eager to get better items. Apples was stimulated the certain product by implementing new design, operability, and user-friendly features. (Shane, 2010, p.13-19) Price Price is the amount of money paid by consumers in order to obtain goods and services. It is the most flexible marketing mix tools compared to the other three P because it can be changed according to certain situations. (Kotler and Armstrong, 2006, p.290) For example, price can change to low when serve a familiar customer. The era of the telegraph, telegraph monopoly by one company and demand more than supply. The absence of competitors, the level of prices is actually not greater impact on consumer decision-making. (Anonymous, 2010) In fact, the telegraph has reached maturity which mean successfully to maximize profit and maintain the market share, but in the end cannot be avoided the market penetration by new technology such as telephone and fax. Nowadays, the harvest strategies for the telegraph were still processing, but it become the history and use less service. â€Å"Apple also plans to continue lowering product prices, despite the fact that doing so would affect the company’s gross margins unfavourably.†(Shane, 2010, p.19) This obviously shows Apple considering the current trend. There are a lot of competitors, the price must be reduced, and consumers will give priority to their own economic situation and needs. For example, the MacBook is very expensive, but other brands have the same technology, but the price is low, then the Apple will lose in price. In fact, there are many factors to help Apple successful, such as, iPhone does not have the driving force without internet, or, people do not have high purchasing power in less advanced country, Place Place refers to urban and suburban whereby goods and services are made available to customer. (Philip Kotler et al, 2005, p.34) Location is also very important tactic, if the telegraph company established beside garbage, this is impossible there are business opportunities. Apples successful because it expands the market size of the companys product to every urban in the worlds. They have a priority to brand honor, low price, and then choose a high population place, coupled with a reasonable promotion, the consumer is difficult to reject the attractive of the good opportunity to satisfy the needs and wants. For example, consumers can buy the iPhone in every city. Even if Apple was provide a good product, but there are other factors to affect the sales volume such as PEST. For example, in Malaysia, the government set the minimum salary is not high; economic downturn; the extremists are not satisfied with phone radiation; or higher scientific and technological discovery. The contrary, the telegraph machine may be a country only a few units, if consumer want to send a message, he must go very far in order to be sent information. However, they share the invention to the world, thus affecting the entire market. Countries can use the telegraph to the purchase of advanced equipment from foreign countries, is very fast compared to letters. Communications make it easier for the world to develop their own countries, such as London and New York. At the same time, the inventions of telegraph available share to other inventors in order to research and development other invention, such as telephone and Internet. Promotion Promotion is a planned effort of an organization to communicate the company offerings to customer as well as trade members, it is also known as marketing communications. (Philip Kotler et al, 2005, p.34) As competition, Apples combinations of more promotional tools (promotion mix) (Kotler and Armstrong, 2006, p.290) used to provide information and services to consumers, such as advertising the new type of iPhone 4s, or, remind the iPad product still available on market. And, sales promotion which is the package promotion provided by the middle man. For example, Maxis communicate company launched buy in low price with two 2 year contract for using Maxis service line. (Maxis 2012) In opposite, the telegraph was invented, may be placed on billboards to inform the existence of the telegraph service. Or, they may in publish in the newspaper to post the benefits of the telegraph. Today it is impossible to see the telegraph promotional, because the telegraph has reached decline stage in product life-cycle. The promotion is a very important tool to reach consumers, providers must be given attractive and priorities guideline to consumers, in order to achieve market comparative advantages Conclusion Conclusion, if the company has long existed in the market, consideration must be given to 4p will not stop the service to the consumers. Second, companies must avoid all factors that influence consumer decisions making and continuous research and development in order to avoid be eliminated by new technology. - Question 2 (Part 2) a) My name is Apple is a red with white strips of fruit plants. Apple flesh has a wealth of minerals and vitamins, the most commonly people used fruit. My flesh contains vitamin C and B, carotene, riboflavin, pyridoxine, dietary fibre and vitamin B complex, and so on Nutrition. Vitamin C is a powerful natural antioxidant which helps the body to develop and increase the resistance, and cleared from the body of the harmful free radicals. Dietary fibre can helps prevent absorption of dietary LDL cholesterol in the gut. The dietary fibres also help protect the mucous membrane of the colon from exposure to toxic substances by binding to cancer causing chemicals in the colon. (Nutrition-and-you, 2012) In addition, my skin is yellow, green and red, yellow and red where the flesh is sweet, while the blue is sweet with a tart. Planting apple will not be very difficult, farmer only need the seeds of apple and buried in the soil to take care of, in the end can grow a new generation of â€Å"me†. Peoples market, consumer can buy me with 0.2 pounds per unit. However, not every country of the soil can be cultivated apple, in some countries, the weather was too hot, or too cold, there are not suitable to grow a sweet and delicious apple e.g. Arabia and Egypt. (Rutuja Jathar, 2011) My apple peel is rich in antioxidant function, so it gives me more durable. Businesses are regarded me long-distance transported to other countries, and keep fresh selling out. My fleshes bring a lot of benefit; therefore, businesses have to use my benefits to earn profit in the market. Some marketers edit my appearance as a billboard to let people know the benefits; some lecturer launch courses to teach people why eat apple; some even speak An apple a day keeps the doctor away., let people every days put me into their mouth. But I am very happy, because it can provide nutrition to the people, and also to give business opportunities to the businesses. b) The 21st century, as the peoples lifestyle changes, healthy is the future trends. Marketers were took my benefits packed into the marketing mix to make a profit e.g. health care products. In fact, the benefits also allow employers to solve some problems, that is, reduce the employees work attitude. Some unemployed tradesmen are quite willing to interview, but less than enthusiastic about taking a job. In fact, every companys marketing strategy will directly affect the employees attitude, such as the companys tactics cannot growth the profit, so will make employee lose fighting spirit. My marketing mix, it is undeniable that can help many employees. First, according to the Matt Michel theory, the visibility and benefits of the product is to improve the companys sales. Sales will be able to enhance the employees salary, which is the best reason to convince the employees. If the company is not profitable, the employee is no longer rescued by the employer. The employee will be particularly concerned about the ability to obtain better benefits, such as salary increase, allowances, and so on. Secondly, although the price is just one ringgit an apple, but this price is a very big influence to the market. Some people believe that the price of one ringgit is difficult to obtain more profit, but the global populations are more than 6.9 billion, if one person to eat an apple a day, if an apple earns 0.01 pounds, the employer successful to earn 69million. If the employer with a high brand image, employee can be proud to work in the company. Thirdly, apple can sell all over the world can affect the employment rate. Some places cannot grow apples, but the employer can transfer the apple to the country with the advance of technology e.g. keep fresh and air transportation. The finally is promotion. â€Å"An apple a day keeps the doctor away’, I believe everyone knows the proverb. There is no doubt that it was enough to affect the consumers of existing and next generation, and only need the proverb advertising to remind the consumers to buy it. Apples low has been reached maturity, unless it was confirmed that the Apple bringing harmful, otherwise the employee will agree that the business opportunity of apple will not be end. (Matt Michel, 2010) c) Admittedly, I have many benefits but also have a negative side. Apple skin can protect the pulp of fresh, but if it loses the apple skin, the pulp will become no nutrition and broken just in ten minutes, so consumers must be finish it in short time. Of course, the solution is placed the flesh in the water contains antioxidant, so apple can maintain and extend the nutrition of the flesh, but this is only a temporary solution, it is best to immediately eat. Apple is a natural plant items, Apple can improve peoples health, which is the largest business opportunities. Consumer only can use the existing technology to maintain the nutrition of apple such as plastic fresh wrap. Reference Part 1 reference Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong, 2006. Principles of Marketing 14th edition, p.51-290, Pearson Education Limited, Prentice Hall, USA. Borden, Neil H. (1964), The Concept of the Marketing Mix, Journal of Advertising Research, 4 (2), 2-7. Robert McNamara, unknown year (2012 copyright). The Invention of the Telegraph Changed Communication Forever: A Communication Revolution Wired the World In the 19th Century, online, n.d, available from World Wide Web: [accessed date 03th May 2012] Shane R. Mittan, 2010. APPLE: A Case Study Analysis, 28th Jan, Western Michigan University, West Michigan Ave, Kalamazoo, Philip Kotler, Veronica Wong, John Saunders, Gary Armstrong, 2005. Principles of Marketing, 4th European Edition, p.34-36, Pearson Education Limited, Mateu-Cromo Artes Graficas, Spain. Anonymous, 2010, History of the U.S Telegraph Industry, online, 01th Feb, available from World Wide Web: [accessed date on 03th May 2012] Marketingteacher, 2012, Three Levels of a Product, online, n.d, available from World Wide Web: [Accessed date on 04th May 2012] Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller, 2011. Marketing Management, 14th Edition, Pearson Education Limited, 18th Feb, p.260-261, Prentice Hall, USA. Maxis, 2012. iPhone 4S: iVALUE PLANS, online, n.d, available from World Wide Web: [accessed date on 04th May 2012] IOANNIS KOMNINOS, 2002, Product Life Cycle Management, online, n.d, source from URENIO, available from World Wide Web: [accessed date on 04th May 2012] Part 2 References Rutuja Jathar, 2011. Apple Trees Planting: Location, online, 20th September, available from World Wide Web: [accessed date on 07th May 2012] nutrition-and-you, 2012. Apple fruit nutrition facts, online, n.d, available from World Wide Web: [accessed date on 07th May 2012] Matt Michel, 2010. tilize a marketing mix to recruit employees, online, 1st Nov, available from World Wide Web: [accessed date on 07th May 2012]
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Contemporary Trade Policy Of Greece Economics Essay
Contemporary Trade Policy Of Greece Economics Essay
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Ocado Is An Independent And Distinctive Online Grocery Marketing Essay
Ocado Is An Independent And Distinctive Online Grocery Marketing Essay Ocado is an independent and distinctive online grocery store that focuses entirely on delivering premium food, drink and household goods right at its customers door step. Ocado claims that they are different from the traditional grocery stores in the market for they provide customers with easy, quick, convenient, precise and enjoyable shopping with just a click of the mouse. In order for Ocado to accomplish its mission, the company has four goals to live by; great value, great service, great choice, and green way to shop. By employing advanced technology to continue sharpening its efficient delivery model, Ocado enables to lower its prices and at the same time guarantee excellent value for money. Ocado offers great service through prompt delivery of superior groceries and by caring and showing sincerity to their customers. Ocado also offers a wide variety of choice and they show concern towards our environment by providing a greener way to shop. On the contrary, Tesco is considered o ne of the biggest retailers in the world. According to Tesco, their success depends on their customers and their employees. The companys main purpose is to create value for customers to earn their lifetime loyalty (Tesco website, 2010a). In order to make this happen, Tesco is adapting the following values; No-one tries harder for customers and Treat people as we like to be treated. Tesco is giving importance to understanding and meeting their customers needs, doing something good for the community, working as a team, trusting and respecting each other, listening and supporting team members, and sharing knowledge and experiences with them. Both companies are putting their customers first by providing quality products and superior customer service. Analysis and Conclusion Ocados strategy for increasing revenues is well thought of. Ocado attempts to increase turnover by providing customers with primary commodities at the lowest price possible; by offering delivery of grocery products that are taken from a high-tech and computerized warehouse; and by selling a variety of products, most of which are supplied by Waitrose. Ocado has also raised its gross sales at a Compound Annual Growth Rate of 31 per cent between FYE 2007 and FYE 2009 (Ocado website, 2010a). And its earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) are also growing. Ocado is planning to go on with the strategy that is focusing on increasing revenue, improving EBITDA margins, and exploring supplementary growth opportunities by constantly improving consumer products through maintaining and improving the customer experience; increasing its core product range; and continuing to offer value to customers (Ocado website, 2010a). Another means of increasing revenue is impr oving cost efficiency and expanding CFC capacity and the Spoke network (Ocado website, 2010a). Searching for more growth opportunities by adding non-grocery products and including the prospect of reproducing the same business model abroad is also another way of growing Ocados revenues. On the other hand, Tescos strategy is centered on growth. Widening of the business reach is one of the underlying principles of Tescos strategy. Providing customers with growing markets at home and expanding markets overseas such as countries in Central Europe, Asia and United States, would allow Tesco to have a continuous existence and growth. Diversification is one of the main goals of Tescos strategy and this has been the basis and reason for the companys success in the past years. As a highlight of Tescos diversification, it has established and developed new businesses and these businesses are becoming competitive and profitable and are also growing in size. Tescos strategy has five objectives and these are as follows: (1) To be a successful international retailer, (2) To grow the core UK business, (3) To be as strong in non-food as in food, (4) To develop retailing services such as Tesco Personal Finance, Telecoms and, (5) To put community at the heart of what we do ( Tesco website, 2010b). These objectives reflect the companys four well-known areas of focus and their continuing commitment on community and environment. These objectives have also permitted the company to keep on growing and sustaining even during times of economic recession. Tescos core Uk business is the most important business of the company for it employs more than 285,000 employees and has more than 2,200 stores. The UK business contributes to approximately 70% of the total sales and profits of Tesco. New space, expansion of existing stores and a multi-format approach are the main reasons for the growth of the UK business. The UK business has four different store formats, namely Express (up to 3,000 sq ft), Metro (approx. 7,000-15,000 sq ft), Superstore (approx. 20,000-50,000 sq ft) and Extra (approx. 60,000 sq ft and above) that are each tailored to their customers needs. Aside from providing a wide range of formats, the UK business guarantees an extensive appeal by constantl y giving customers innovative and new kinds of products and merchandise, thus costumers have a variety of choices. The store also has an assortment of own brands that allows customers to purchase products that fits their way of life. Last year, they also launched about 500 new products as part of their Discount Brands at Tesco initiative. These products are priced low and are very affordable so that customers can buy products without compromising quality and choice. With regards to understanding its customers, Tesco created Tesco Clubcard. This loyalty card provides Tesco with information that they will need in understanding their customers better. The card also provides customers with offerings that are suited to their needs and lifestyle. Tesco is not only trying to understand customers but they are also looking after their employees by offering package of pay and different benefits that are appropriate for their workers. In contrast, Ocado aspires to have a market leading customer proposition. In fact, they garnered different awards like Online Retailer of the Year for 2005, 2007, 2009 and 2010 Grocer Gold Awards (Ocado website, 2010b). They strive to have the best customer service by providing high accuracy and availability of products; convenient and on-time delivery service; and user friendly interfaces or websites. Another means of providing a market leading proposition is through an emporium of quality of food; they now offer about 20, 000 versions or stock keeping units (skus) and is planning to add more or less 3,000 skus in 2010. High quality and fresh products are also made available in their online store. They also introduced their own branded products and priced these products at a lower cost to counterpart Tescos discounted products. Some delivery slots are offered for free by Ocado and is also offering delivery pass to facilitate limitless free deliveries for a fixed amount. When it comes to corporate responsibility, Ocado and Tesco are both going green. Ocado was nominated Green Retailer of the Year 2009 in The Grocer Gold Awards, Large Retailer of the Year 2008 in the Online Green Awards and was awarded as Ethical/Green Practice 2009 at the IMRG E-Commerce Awards for Excellence (Ocado website, 2010c). Ocado delivers its commodities directly from the CFC to the customers door step, reducing and getting rid of the carbon emissions usually produced by the conventional supermarkets and their stores. The amount of vehicles on the road is also minimized. To reduce its carbon usage and its environmental impact, Ocado have also implemented the following actions: closed-loop grocery bag recycling, whereby when making a delivery, drivers offer to collect used bags from customers which are recycled within the UK to make new Ocado grocery bags; wasting significantly less food as a percentage of gross sales than any of its competitors; and signing up to the Climate Change Agreement (with the Carbon Trust), which places certain obligations on management to monitor and lower carbon usage (Ocado website, 2010c). Meanwhile, Tesco plays an important role in minimizing climate change. In doing so, the company committed to becoming a zero-carbon business by 2050; reducing the emissions of the products they sell by 30% by 2020; helping their customers to reduce their carbon footprint by 50% by 2020; halve emissions from their 2006/7 baseline portfolio of buildings by 2020; new stores built between 2007 and 2020 to emit half the CO2 of a 2006 new store; and reduce emissions per case delivered by 50% by 2012 (Tesco website, 2010c). With regards to the financial aspect, Tescos website provided a more organized investor centre section wherein more information such as financial highlights, annual reviews, financial calendar, etc. can be gathered and access directly by the customers and investors. In their website (Tesco website, 2010d), they stated that in 2009 to February 2010 their group sales is 6.8% and their group profit before tax is 10.4%, indicating that the companys growth is increasing amidst the economic downturn. Their Group sales ( £m) (including VAT) and Group trading profit ( £m) from February 2009 to 2010 amounted to 62,537 and 3,412 respectively. Whereas, Ocados gross sales increased 29.5% to  £126.5m for the 12 weeks to 8 August 2010 (2009:  £97.7m), its average orders per week for the 12 weeks to 8 August 2010: 92,834 (70,968 in equivalent period in 2009) and at 8 August the Group had cash and cash equivalents, including monies on deposit, of  £205.9m, borrowings of  £119.9m and undr awn available facilities of  £110.0m (Ocado website, 2010d). From the above comparison and analysis, we can say that both groceries stores have excellent strategies. Ocados strategy for increasing revenues is being realized through the provision and delivery of new and various products at lower prices while Tescos plan for diversification is also being materialized by adding additional businesses to their existing business model. Both companies are also giving customers high quality offerings but when it comes to a variation of products Tesco has more products to offer than Ocado. Tesco is selling electronic gadgets like personal computers (PC), mobiles phones, games and gaming accessories. They also have furniture, appliances, car accessories, sports and leisure products that are yet unavailable to Ocado. This wide range of products that Tesco have can be attributed to their existence of more than 90 years in the business whereas Ocado has just been in the market for 10 years. In caring for the environment, I can say that Ocados efforts in go ing green are more successful than Tesco and this is evident in the awards that they recently received. And when it comes to gross sales, Ocado has higher revenues than Tesco and their strong sales drive as confirmed in the first half of the year is continuing to increase since then. In August 8, 2010, sales for the previous 36 weeks reached  £372.2m, having a 29.8% increase. Ocado is already planning to diversify by adding non-grocery products to their line and by doing so they are trying to counter Tescos existing products. So if I were to recommend what company to invest in, I would say it has to be Ocado.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Benefits and Hazards of Immunizations Essay -- Science Scientific Pape
Benefits and Hazards of Immunizations Although science and technology have been very beneficial to us a lot of people are misinformed about its procedures. I myself am a bit fearful about how technologically advanced we're getting in such a short period of time, but this is because I don't understand science. I guess most people that fear science feel that way because of the horrible things that science may bring about. When reading Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein" one begins to wonder what if scientists do create a monster and like Dr. Frankenstein did, can no longer undo the creation. It is actually a very scary thought. But then on the other end of the spectrum you have J. Michael Bishop who defends scientists against people's critiques. Bishop is correct in his argument that scientists have done great things. According to him, people begin to lose faith in science because they don't see results as fast as they would like to but as Bishop states research may take years and even then, there may not be a concrete answer. T he important thing is that they are working towards one and people should not expect miracles, they should allow scientists to do their work and only hope for a quick solution. When dealing with a situation of whether science has benefited or troubled the population we can talk about immunizations. Immunizations have saved many children's lives. The epidemic of polio is hardly heard of thanks to immunizations. Measles and chicken pox don't affect children half as much if they've had the immunizations either. So one can say that immunizations have been a benefit to the population because most, if not all, children in the United States have gotten the required vaccines and nearly all of them go away from the... ...ants everybody to get the vaccine, because as statistics show, the majority of the children are perfectly fine after immunizations. The problems that are arising with vaccines shouldn't be blamed on scientists, for they've come up with a solution to the mentioned illnesses. The problem may be in the way doctors are combining vaccines, or implementing them. Works Cited Bishop, J. Michael. "Enemies of Promise." The Presence of Others 3rd edition. Bedford/St. Martins, New York. (2000) : 237-243. Shelley, Mary. "Frankenstein." The Presence of Others 3rd edition. Bedford/St. Martins, New York. (2000) : 231-236. Schumacher, Karin. "Autism & Vaccines: A New Look At An Old Story." (2001). (19 May 2001). Schumacher, Karin. "Diabetes Following MMR Shots." (2001). (19 May 2001). Benefits and Hazards of Immunizations Essay -- Science Scientific Pape Benefits and Hazards of Immunizations Although science and technology have been very beneficial to us a lot of people are misinformed about its procedures. I myself am a bit fearful about how technologically advanced we're getting in such a short period of time, but this is because I don't understand science. I guess most people that fear science feel that way because of the horrible things that science may bring about. When reading Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein" one begins to wonder what if scientists do create a monster and like Dr. Frankenstein did, can no longer undo the creation. It is actually a very scary thought. But then on the other end of the spectrum you have J. Michael Bishop who defends scientists against people's critiques. Bishop is correct in his argument that scientists have done great things. According to him, people begin to lose faith in science because they don't see results as fast as they would like to but as Bishop states research may take years and even then, there may not be a concrete answer. T he important thing is that they are working towards one and people should not expect miracles, they should allow scientists to do their work and only hope for a quick solution. When dealing with a situation of whether science has benefited or troubled the population we can talk about immunizations. Immunizations have saved many children's lives. The epidemic of polio is hardly heard of thanks to immunizations. Measles and chicken pox don't affect children half as much if they've had the immunizations either. So one can say that immunizations have been a benefit to the population because most, if not all, children in the United States have gotten the required vaccines and nearly all of them go away from the... ...ants everybody to get the vaccine, because as statistics show, the majority of the children are perfectly fine after immunizations. The problems that are arising with vaccines shouldn't be blamed on scientists, for they've come up with a solution to the mentioned illnesses. The problem may be in the way doctors are combining vaccines, or implementing them. Works Cited Bishop, J. Michael. "Enemies of Promise." The Presence of Others 3rd edition. Bedford/St. Martins, New York. (2000) : 237-243. Shelley, Mary. "Frankenstein." The Presence of Others 3rd edition. Bedford/St. Martins, New York. (2000) : 231-236. Schumacher, Karin. "Autism & Vaccines: A New Look At An Old Story." (2001). (19 May 2001). Schumacher, Karin. "Diabetes Following MMR Shots." (2001). (19 May 2001).
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Sports are Entertaining and Fun Essay -- Expository
Sports are Entertaining and Fun Sports in society today can be entertaining to watch and also fun to play for both men and women of all ages. I am a person that takes sports very seriously in my life. I enjoy playing sports as much as I enjoy watching them on television. I started playing baseball when I was seven years old, and played up until I graduated high school. I also played basketball from fifth grade to a junior in high school. I think that I am so involved in sports because my family takes sports very seriously, and they got me involved in them at an early age. My Dad, Mom, brothers and cousins have all been active members of sports throughout their lives. We all enjoy doing anything involved with sports. It could be actively playing a sport, watching an event on television, or going and watching a sporting event with a group of people. I think we live in an area that has a large history of sports and many traditions and customs that go along with it. By living close to Pittsburgh my entire lif e I have been able to experience and appreciate the history and legacy that our sport teams have offered for so many years. I have been a huge fan of all the Pittsburgh sports teams for my entire life. I have been to numerous Pirate and Steeler home games with family and friends. I think this is why sporting events can be so entertaining because you get to spend quality time with your family and friends and share in all of the memories to come. I want to find out if people have the same thoughts and opinions that I do about sports. I want to see if men take sports more seriously than women do, or is there a lot more women involved then we think. I want to find out what sports men and women like t... ...understanding of what sports men and women like to play and watch, and how they feel towards them. After conducting ten surveys, two interviews, and an observation I have found out that mostly everyone does like at least one sport in some way. Mostly everyone does agree that sports are entertaining and fun to participate in. I noticed that many people like to watch and play a variety of sports instead of just one. Football seems to be the most favorite to watch among both men and women. Men seem to choose more physical sports to play whereas women choose more sports with higher skill levels. Overall I thought that the research went well because I did not come across any problems. Everyone was very cooperative when I collected my data. I thought that this was a fun experiment because I had a chance to see how men and women compared when it came to sports.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
How the Aviation Industry Is Affected by the Economy
Airports are vital international resources. They play a key role in transportation of people and goods. And in regional, national and international commerce. They are where the nation’s aviation system connects with other modes of transportation and where federal responsibility for managing and regulating air traffic operation meet with the role of state and local governments that own and operate most airports. This paper reviews how oil prices affect the airline economy and views the extent to which the economies and developing countries remain vulnerable to a long period of higher oil prices. I have chosen this topic because the airline industry in the economy of any country plays a very important role. Today’s airlines face many long standing problems. The historical trends show the true story of what is happening in the airline industry. There are many factors that contribute to these problems and Increase in fuel rates/cost is one of them. The value of a barrel of oil has a direct impact on airliners within the World’s aviation industry, at the present moment the price of a barrel of Oil has held at about â€Å"$89 a barrel†, this figure however, is very unstable. To emphasize further, in mid July 2006 a barrel of oil had broken the â€Å"$78 mark†and has since stabilized, the long term issues however, suggest the value of oil could rise even further which can of course have cost complications for airliners. With the current political disputes in Eastern Europe and the unrest in the Middle East, the cost of oil is likely to rise, as is the unstable nature of this resource and industry in general. According to the latest statistics from the General Aviation Bureau, due to the fuel price surge, the cost of fuel has accounted to 41% of the cost of major business of airline companies. The whole airline industry has an additional cost expenditure of 1. 27 billion. Why does the airline industry which is always sensitive to price change take no action this time? The South-west Airline Company said â€Å"if we raised the ticket price at this time the passengers would scare away†. Several transportation companies also mention that the domestic transportation is steady but not rising, and it would be further overwhelmed if the airline raised prices now. Therefore under the present condition of fuel price surge, the airline should lessen costs through management strengthening, cost lowering and efficiency improving, but not simply raise the price. Passenger carriers have reported over $10 billion in 2005 net losses. Industry debt now exceeds $100 billion, while the industry’s $15 billion total market profit continues to decline. Our ability to borrow to support continuing losses is lessening. The few airlines that have been able to achieve a profit are doing so under tremendous difficulty. The reasons for the dangerous condition of the industry are clear. Profit has declined dramatically following the 9/11 attack on America. Although carriers are aggressively reducing costs where possible, stubbornly high fuel prices and escalating security and insurance costs, among other things, have combined with a particular vengeance in an under-performing economy. The industry has already achieved annual savings of over $10 billion in capital and operating expenses. Issues such as fuel prices, however, are obviously beyond our ability to battle alone The industry was suffering from the softening economy in early 2001. The events of 9/11, however, drove losses that year to $7. 7 billion, despite the $5 billion in government compensation for the costs of the terrorist shutdown of our aviation system. A few years back the picture darkened when despite industry cutbacks in spending, losses topped $10 billion. And analysts predict that the industry will lose another $2 to 4 billion this year, meaning that airlines are on target to lose about $25 billion in the 2008 to 2013 period. Increases in fuel prices affect the airlines in two ways; the cost of fuel has an obvious and direct impact on the cost of operation, and fuel cost increases have repeatedly triggered economic recessions, which in turn result in a decline in demand for air travel and air cargo. Fuel price increases have a negative impact on airlines because even in good time fuel costs account for roughly 10-12% of our operating expense. Every penny increase in the price of jet fuel costs the airline industry $180 million a year. In the absence of pricing power – the ability to pass these costs along in the form of higher airfares – these increases come right off the bottom line. An even more hurtful aspect of the fuel price increase is the relationship between the economy and air travel. The link between fuel prices and the health of the economy is clear. Three of the major recessions of the past thirty years can, in large measure, be attributed to the steep increases in fuel prices that accompanied the 1973 Middle East oil embargo, the 1980 Iran Crisis, and the1990-91 Gulf War. The airline industry is undeniably tied to the overall economy – even minor recessions result in reduced demand and increased sensitivity to prices for leisure as well as business travelers. Past fuel spikes and attendant recessions have brought about widespread hardship in the airline industry. As analysis shows, airline profitability suffers as a direct consequence of a weakening economy. During the first Gulf War, almost half of the major airlines filed for protection under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code, long-standing airlines went out of business, more than 100,000 airline employees lost jobs, and the industry went into a financial tailspin from which it took years to recover. We all have much at stake – it is not simply a matter of airline finances; it is the national economy. Civil aviation has a profound impact on the U. S. economy. A recently completed analysis found that in calendar 2009:  · Civil aviation’s total impact on the U. S. economy amounted to 9% of GDP. $343 billion and 4. 2 million jobs were produced in civil aviation or in industries related to civil aviation such as travel and tourism.  · Combined direct, indirect, and induced economic impact of civil aviation totaled $904 billion and 11. 2 million jobs. Without question, the financial situation of the airlines has had a negative effect on the U. S. economy. Of the jobs lost in the United States since 9/11, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics – nearly half have been in the travel and tourism sector. As airline pain spreads, communities across the country are dramatically affected. Forced contraction in the industry means less service or no service to some communities, increasingly isolating them from the economic mainstream. The airlines are doing everything they can to conserve fuel. Throughout the history of commercial aviation, airlines have insisted upon the most fuel-efficient aircraft possible and have worked with airframe and engine manufacturers to reduce fuel consumption. In fact, our fuel conservation efforts have resulted in a fuel consumption rate of almost 40 passenger miles per gallon in today’s aircraft – a rate that compares favorably with the most fuel-efficient automobiles. Changes in cruise speed, use of flight simulators, sophisticated flight planning systems, increasing load factors and the introduction of newer, more aerodynamic aircraft designs combined with modern engine technology, are all recent success stories. Airlines continue to look at every possible facet of their operations to further improve fuel efficiency through measures like taxiing on one engine, delaying startup and push back, removing all discretionary eight, and using ground power instead of on-board auxiliary power units while at the gate. These and similar measures are increasingly being used where commensurate with safety considerations to save fuel and, not incidentally, to reduce emissions. However, as of today our options for further dramatic improvements on the order of what we have been able to achieve over the past few decades are limited; leaving not only the aviation industry vulnerable but also all other services dependant upon air travel for a profitable living.
Pescriptive Versus Emergent
When described with historical perspective since it arrived in the mid 1960s, strategic or prescriptive planning has been embraced as a way of â€Å"outflanking competitors with big plays that yield long term rent from a sustainable advantage†(Bhide, 1986).Although it faltered in the 1980s and 1990s mainly due to the unstable economy in that period and the rise of emergent strategy, it is still being practised today (John A Pearce II, 1987). Emergent strategy is the view that â€Å"strategy emerges as intentions collide with a changing reality†(Moore, 2011). This literature review places the article ‘Crafting strategy’ (Mintzberg, 1987) in the wider context of prescriptive and emergent debate followed by strengths and weakness of the article. Placing the article in wider literature debateIn ‘Crafting strategy’ Mintzberg distinguishes between planning strategy and crafting strategy. Mintzberg view on strategic planning is clear. â€Å"Strateg ic planning isn’t strategic thinking. One is analysis and the other is synthesis†(Mintzberg, 1994). According to Mintzberg the current practise of strategic planning ‘separates thinking from doing’. He claims the current implementation of strategic planning can be best described as strategic programming, â€Å"the articulation and elaboration of strategies, or visions that already exists†(Mintzberg, 1994)Thereby limiting intuition and creativity. Mintzberg idea on strategic planning is further emphasised by Brian Boyd who suggest prescriptive strategy limits organisation creativity and innovative skills (Boyd, 1991). Psychologist on prescriptive planning says â€Å"Articulation of strategy locks it into place, thereby impeding willingness to change it†(Kiesler, 1971). The fact is that organisations who implement prescriptive strategy plan not to be flexible but to realize detailed intentions.According to Mintzberg the key to crafting strate gy is the ‘intimate connection between thought and action’. [p68]. John Oliver emphasised in his book the importance of effective use of the action learning process hence emergent strategy in developing a future business strategy. (Oliver, 2006) The inflexible nature of deliberate strategy greatly reduces its litheness for creative and reactive process. Emergent strategy therefore possesses a much greater adaptability, particularly in tentative times and more difficult business environmental conditions.However Michael Porter argues that Industry structure drives competition and profitability. Success is not determined by whether an industry is mature or emerging (Porter, 1979). This is a typically prescriptive view on strategy, as it suggests breaking down intentions into communicated steps and formularizing those steps into the structure of the organisation. This premise is contradicted by various perspectives, as they believe accumulated learning and experience pro vides rare advantage that is difficult for other competitors to copy (Gerry Johnson, 2008).This suggests that strategy can be crafted as organisations learn from previous success and failures. Mintzberg in ‘Crafting strategy’ promotes the idea that prescriptive strategy ‘misguides organisations that embrace it unreservedly.’[p66]. He pushes the idea that crafting strategy is a more effective representation of strategy. ‘Craft evokes traditional skills perfection through the mastery of detail†¦.developed through experience and commitment.’[p66]. This is essentially emergent strategy as it describes â€Å"patterns realized despite or in the absence of intentions†(Henry Mintzberg, 1985) James Moncrieff (Moncrieff, 1999) states in his article â€Å"deliberate responses to issues emerging within the competitive environment can still usually be labelled emergent strategy as it is based on response to emerging opportunities and threat.â € Mintzberg supports Moncrieff idea by using National Film Board of Canada as an example ‘Strategies like the NFB’ that appear without clear intentions-or in spite of them-emergent strategies’ [p69]. This shows when actions are taken in responds to a new challenge patterns eventually forms. However, it would be ignorant and inaccurate to place the article solely as emergent. In this article Mintzberg states there is no such thing as ‘Purely deliberate strategy or a purely emergent one’. [p69] Emergent strategy as an extreme is essentially the absence of strategy (Andrew Inkpen, 1995).The crafting of strategy is definitely far from deliberate strategy but would be implausible to be classified as purely emergent strategy. In Mintzberg words ‘Strategy making walks on two feet, one deliberate and the other emergent’ In other words learning must be used in conjunction with control. Mintzberg expands on this idea when he said â€Å"We t hink in order to act†¦..but we also act in order to think.†(Mintzberg, 1994) This in turn converges into practical pattern that becomes strategy. This article best supports ‘deliberately emergent approach’ or umbrella approach as Mintzberg conveyed the idea that processes should be consciously managed to ‘allow strategies to emerge en route.’ In this case senior management provides broad guidance and leaves the detail to those lower down in the organisation.Strengths and WeaknessesKey strength in this article is Mintzberg ability to utilize pathos, logos and ethos effectively to appeal to his readers. The article is brilliantly written and well structured thereby appealing to readers from all intellectual level. In addition, Mintzberg paints a vivid picture of the ideal form of strategy in the readers mind with the use of crafting as a metaphor. He intertwines the quality of a good porter to that of a manger, consequently illustrating the role o f a manager in crafting strategy ‘Managers are craftsmen and strategy is their clay.’ Mintzberg deliberately uses the metaphor to differentiate his concept of strategy from the mechanized models of deliberate planning that is void of creativity.A key element emphasised in ‘Crafting strategy’ is the ability for businesses to learn from experiences and ‘allow strategies to emerge en route.’ However what is not clearly indicated is if such type of approach is applicable to all sectors. McKiernan (McKiernan, 1997) argues that Mintzberg theory places too much emphasis on established businesses as new entrants won’t have the available experience to learn from. Furthermore Burgelman (Robert A. Burgelman 1991, Andres S. Grove, 2007) believes such approach can only be applicable to businesses without existing strategy, as strategy is embedded with experience and learning, thereby making it harder for management to implement constant incremental c hanges in responds to the environment.In this article, Mintzberg fails to discuss on the weakness of emergent strategy. He proposes that businesses should learn from mistakes that occur, however he neglects the consequences of mistakes such as the cost and wasted time due to trials and errors. These unrealistic expectations of emergent strategies are identified by Lynch. (Lynch, 2006) Mintzberg’s failing to discuss on the weakness of emergent strategy limits the usefulness of emergent strategy in practice. However authors such as Snyder and Cummings (William Snyder, 1998) carried out empirical study and designed models which aimed to align organisational learning with performance. Adcrof (Adcroft, 2009) also emphasises purely emergent strategy would be â€Å"a trial and error driven activity where intuition is wrong as often as it is right, which gives rise to levels of risk that may be unacceptable†ConclusionIn conclusion, initially Mintzberg favoured emergent strate gy over prescriptive strategy. However, he stated both strategy are needed in order to successfully implement strategy and advised the used of deliberately emergent and umbrella approach to strategy. Overall Mintzberg idea of strategy is still relevant to the world today as they reflect the fact that plans do fail and the age of five years plans are slowly fading away as businesses are becoming more responsive to the ever changing environment.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Notes Receivables
NOTES RECEIVABLE * Represents claims for which formal instruments of credit are issued as evidence of debt, such as promissory note. The credit instrument normally requires the debtor to pay interest and extends for time periods of 30 days or longer. Notes receivables are considered current asset if they are to be paid within 1 year and non- current if they are expected to be paid after one year. NEGOTIABLE PROMISSORY NOTES * Unconditional promise in writing made by one person to another, signed by the maker, engaging to pay in demand or at the fixed determinable future time a sum certain in money to order or to bearer.An entity owned a tract of land costing P 800,000 and sold the land for P1,000,000. On January 1, 2011 the entity received a 1- year note for 1,000,000 plus interest of 12% compounded annually. Journal Entry: First year: Note receivable1,000,000 Land800,000 Gain on sale of land200,000 # DISHONORED NOTES * Promissory note matures and is not paid. * When the maker of a n ote fails to pay on the due date, the note receivable is considered to be dishonored. A dishonored note is no longer negotiable. Journal Entry: 2012 Jan. 1 Accounts receivable1,120,000 Notes receivable 1,000,000Interest income 120,000 # INITIAL MEASUREMENT * Conceptually, notes receivable shall be measured initially at PRESENT VALUE. * However, SHORT TERM NOTES are measured at FACE VALUE. * The initial measurements of LONG TERM NOTES will depend on whether the notes are INTEREST- BEARING or NONINTEREST- BEARING. INTEREST- BEARING LONG TERM NOTES are measured at FACE VALUE which is actually the present value upon issuance. NONINTEREST- BEARING LONG TERM NOTES are measured at PRESENT VALUE which is the discounted value of the future cash flow using the effective interest rate. SUBSEQUENT MEASUREMENTAmortized Cost * the amount at which the note receivable is measured initially minus principal repayment, plus or minus the cumulative amortization of any difference between the initial car rying amount and the principal maturity amount minus reduction for impairment or uncollectibility. For long-term noninterest-bearing notes: Amortized Cost = present value + amortization of the discount Or Amortized Cost = face value – unamortized unearned interest income Accordingly, only long-term notes receivable will be discussed in conjunction with the present value concept under the following situations: . interest-bearing note b. noninterest bearing note Problem 7-2 â€Å"FATHOM COMPANY†(INTEREST- BEARING NOTE) 2011 Jan. 1Cash1,000,000 Notes Receivable6,000,000 Land5,000,000 Gain on sale of land2,000,000 # Dec. 31 Accrued Interest Receivable720,000 Interest Income720,000 (6,000,000 x 12%) # 2012 Dec 31 Accrued Interest Receivable806,400 Interest Income806,400 # 6,000,000| +| 720,000| =| 6,720,000| | | | *| 12%| | | | | 806,400| 2013 Jan. 1Cash7,526,400 Notes Receivable6,000,000 Accrued Interest Receivable? 1,526,400 #Accrued interest receivable? 2011| | | 720,00 0| 2012| | | 806,400| | | | 1,526,400| Problem 7-3 â€Å"BUG COMPANY†(NONINTEREST- BEARING NOTE 1) 2010 Jan. 1Note receivable600,000 Sales540,000 Unearned interest income 60,000 # DATE| NOTES RECEIVABLE BALANCE| FRACTION| INTEREST INCOME| Dec. 31, 2010| 600,000| 1/2| 30,000| Dec. 31, 2011| 400,000| 1/3| 20,000| Dec. 31, 2012| 200,000| 1/6| 10,000| | 1,200,00| | | Dec. 31Cash200,000 Notes receivable200,000 # Unearned interest income30,000 Interest income30,000 # 2011 Dec. 31Cash200,000Notes receivable200,000 # Unearned interest income20,000 Interest income20,000 # 2012 Dec. 31Cash200,000 Note receivable200,000 # Unearned interest income10,000 Interest income10,000 # PROBLEM 7-4 â€Å"IMPRESS COMPANY†(NONINTEREST- BEARING NOTE 2) 2010 Jan. 1Cash100,000 Note receivable900,000 Sale? 820,540 Unearned interest income? 179,460 # Face value900,000 Present value (300,000*2. 4018)720540 Unearned interest income? 179,460 Present value720,540 Cash received100,000 Sales price? 82 0,540DATE| ANNUAL COLLECTION| INTEREST INCOME| PRINCIPAL| CARRYING AMOUNT| Jan. 1, 2010| | | | 720,540| Dec. 31,2010| 300,000| 86,465| 213,535| 507,005| Dec. 31,2011| 300,000| 60,841| 239,159| 267,846| Dec. 31,2012| 300,000| 32,154| 267,846| ? | Dec. 31Cash300,000 Unearned interest income 86,465 Note receivable300,000 Interest income 86,465 # 2011 Dec. 31Cash300,000 Unearned interest income 60,841 Note receivable300,000 Interest income 60,841 # 2012 Dec. 31Cash300,000 Unearned interest income 32,154 Note receivable300,000 Interest income 32,154 #
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Jextra Neighbourhood Case Analysis Essay
The Jextra Neighborhood case study is an evidence of the growing effort by Multi National Corporations to extend their operational base to take advantage of the increasing benefits associated with globalization. The case highlights the managerial capabilities and style of the Manager, Tom Chong; the cultural variations in the perception of business as an entity and its relationships with society, employee attitude to work ethics, and legal variables governing the operations of international corporations. The Malaysian system poses a socio-ethical dilemma especially with the giving and receipts of bribes by appointed employees as well as the exchange of favors (or request thereof) between government officials and businesses. How Should Tom Chong resolve the issue? Concerning the Mayor of Klang’s request, Chong must first assess his own degree of power and authority implied by his position as Country manager. The appointment of a country manager as part of the organizational hierarchy conforms to the management principle of authorization, which mandates equable authority and power to enable managers carry out assigned duties. Such authorities usually have limitations especially in situations where the action or inaction of the officer will affect corporate commitment financially or otherwise. Due to the value of financial capital involved, and the legality thereof, Chong should refer the request in a memo to his immediate boss with copies to corporate headquarters in line with the principle of communication, which encourages a forward-backward linkages and consultative approach to organizational decision-making processes. Even if the legal implications are favorable, the final decision made with regards to the mayor’s request must take into consideration the various business indices such as the time needed to break-even and recoup investment, potential market size, growth matrix and competitive threat for comparison with larger corporate goals. The original Jextra store plan did not consider the flyover road as a priority, which may help narrow the choice options to the school project. In addition, Malaysia law is silent over business contribution for social programs and there is wide example for the practice. If considered, Jextra could make the school financing process public and transparent with payment made directly to a body appointed by the city administration that has oversight for contributions and disbursement, and controls for effective accountability. What Should Chong do, about the rumors about the bribery and kickbacks to the category manager (CM)? As the country manager, dealing with the bribery and kickback rumors by the CMs is within Ching’s administrative supervision and jurisdiction. In this case, the CMs are expected to be accountable to him and to carry out their duties according to the laid down procedures as dedicate in the Jextra Code of conduct. Chong should first have a close door meeting with Arif Alam and inform him about the information he has received about the activities of the CMs in general as well as the seriousness of its implications if anything should known. He should then recommit the CMs and all other employees to the Jextra Conduct Code (JCC) by running workshops for the staff. At the conclusion of the workshop, the CMs should make to sign an undertaking that expressly promise their commitment to the JCC. The workshop can made an annual event during which personnel from corporate or regional headquarters could be asked to attend for added importance Suppliers, individuals and organizations that do business with Jextra should also be educated about the Jextra CC from the first time a business relationship is established. Contractual agreement must have a section enforceable at law that details an understanding of the requirement for honest dealings devoid of bribery kickbacks and other corrupt practices to, from or by a Jextra employee during the period of the business relationship. The agreement should also make clear procedures for business engagement and the consequences for a breach including abandon and prosecution. Does the jextra Business Code of conduct help chong in resolving the issue? Jextra’s business conduct code does not seem helpful to the manager, Chong in resolving the bribery and kickback issues at the organization. In the first place, the document is settled in ‘cautions and admonitions’ instead of the inherent force of the law. What is more, there are no meaningful arrangements in the document. Besides, even though the code allows gifts and entertainment of ‘small/minimal’ value to guest and suppliers, there is no definite amount given either by department or rank/title such that, the value herein involved may be subjected to acceptable interpretations and variations from department to department and between individual employees. Such lack of specificity exposes the manager Chong and limits the options available to him for dealing with personnel/employee conduct because of the likelihood that, employee may see his actions as ‘refer his own measures’ instead of company regulation. Are these the kind of issues that Chong should have anticipated as a country manager? As a manager of an international company, Chong should expect to encounter cultural variations or collisions in business and social relations in Malaysia. Local expectations and company ethical policies do sometime clash during the execution of business objectives. However, managers must advice staff to stick with the tried and tested laid down policies. Managers many recommend a review of policies in the face of strong objective evidence for alternative approaches. Such ethical pursuit may help the company in case of legal suits; solidify the managers observed integrity whiles setting a standard for change.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Investigate the Effect of Caffeine on the Heart Rate of Daphnia
Aim: In this experiment we are trying to find out how varying the concentration of caffeine can affect the heart rate of Daphnia shrimp.Prediction: I predict that caffeine will increase the heart rate of the shrimp.IntroductionI believe the results will comply with my prediction. Caffeine is a compound found in especially tea and coffee plants and acts as a natural pesticide.Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant meaning it increases the amount of neurotransmitters released meaning coffee is a stimulant that affects the central nervous system by increasing its activity. In this practical the caffeine should have a noticeable effect on the heart rate of Daphnia as Daphnia absorbs chemicals present in the solution around it without selection. I also predict that there would be an increase in heart rate once placed in decaffeinated coffee as decaffeinated coffee still has caffeine content but significantly lower per milligram than caffeinated coffee.However I will expect the inc rease of heart rate of the culture placed in caffeinated coffee to be significantly higher than the culture placed in decaffeinated coffee. Daphnia: The reason Daphnia is used as the organism in this experiment is due to its transparent body which makes the heart visible. Daphnia is better than Brine shrimp because brine shrimp is not transparent meaning heart rate has to be measured by counting leg movement. Variables: The independent variable that we change. In this case it is the caffeine content.We would be experimenting with water, decaffeinated coffee and caffeinated coffee to observe and compare its effect on the heart rate of Daphnia. The control for this experiment is a solution with no caffeine which allows us to see if the change in heart rate is due to the caffeine or other factors. To ensure that this experiment is a fair test only the concentration of the caffeine will be changed. Caffeine is the independent variable. I tested each particular concentration of caffeine 10 times.I decided this prior to the experiment because there was bound to results that are out of pattern so repeating this many times would eliminate systematic errors resulting in more accurate and reliable data. The dependant variable is the heart rate of the shrimp will be measured over 10 seconds Ccontrol variables: These are variables that should be kept the same. As a result the effect other factors other than coffee content are limited. This is needed as the objective is to investigate the effects of caffeine content. The control variables ensure valid data.Volume of solution The time heartbeat is measured within Temperature: Daphnia may be very sensitive to the heat therefore the kinetic energy given to them by heat could have effects on the heart rate. Same culture of Daphnia: To minimise genetic differences. The size of the shrimp can change the degree of the effect of caffeine. The larger shrimp will have a lower heart rate. I will ensure this as best as possible by kee ping the Daphnia in the same light intensity by shining a lamp directly at it.Preliminary experimentI did a preliminary experiment to familiarise myself with the methods so no time is wasted during the actual experiment. It helped me identify the limitations in the experiment and how to conduct the experiment appropriately. For example I noted not to add too much of each solution on the microscope as there will be a loss of surface tension and it will spill. I also learnt to not use the slide covers as they kill the Daphnia Analysis The mean heart rate of Daphnia shrimp placed in solution B is 26. 5% higher than the heart rate of the Daphnia placed in the control solution.Furthermore it is 1.9 % less than Solution A ( less difference than I predicted. From these results we can infer that Solution B is the solution containing decaffeinated coffee. This is because the mean heart rate is lower than caffeinated coffee and higher than the control solution. This is because decaffeinated c offee contains caffeine but significantly lower per milligram than caffeinated solution. However this Solution A, caffeinate coffee caused the daphnia heart rate to increase the most. This proves the hypothesis because the greater the caffeine content, the more neurotransmitters are released.The increase in this neuronal stimulation is interpreted as an emergency in organisms causing adrenaline to be released therefore heart rate increases. There still appears to be fluctuations that are probably caused by systematic errors. The data from shrimp placed in solution A (caffeinated coffee) has the greatest variation in results at 168 compared to solution B, 108. Evaluation Reliability: My results appear fairly reliable because there is an obvious pattern occurs and it supports my prediction. The experiment was carried out as a blind trial whereby the solutions except for the control are unknown.This helps eliminate bias whereby I don’t choose some results and ignore others to su pport my prediction making the results more reliable. Validity Systematic errors could have caused this for example I did not give time for the Daphnia to absorb the solution before counting the heart rate. These factors could have also caused the fluctuations in the results so accuracy is questionable. The variation in caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee could have been caused by systematic errors. For example, the Daphnia could have already been dead.There was a significant drop between the eighth and ninth test of solution A ( around 54. 7%) I did not expect this because caffeine is a stimulant drug. This suggest that the shrimp have different tolerance towards caffeine and some may have been dying. Furthermore the heart rate of some shrimp could be distinctly different from the other shrimps as they were trying to escape the cotton fibres which requires more energy thus hear rate increases. This suggests that the culture of Daphnia used in the experiment could have contained sh rimp that are different age and size.Although I tested each concentration 10 times, there is still a lot of variability of the results. Water, on the other hand has the lowest variability of only 60. The variability in the other contents are at 168 (caffeinated coffee) and 108 ( decaffeinated coffee) This could perhaps be the effect of other chemicals in caffeine which Daphnia are responsive to. Accuracy Certain methods of collecting data were not accurate therefore affecting the validity. For example, a random error such as not tapping the pen in the rhythm of the heartbeat affected the number of heart beats per minute.
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